From Dec 31, cell users can switch service, retain nos

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New Delhi: Under the telecom mobile number portability (MNP) scheme, any mobile subscriber is eligible to make a porting request but only 90 days after the date of activation of the mobile connection. If a number is already ported once, the number can be ported again only after 90 days from the date of the previous porting.

Subscribers must approach the recipient operator (the operator to whom the subscriber wants to port his number) and pay the porting charges, if any. “A separate regulation for porting charges will be released in 15 days,’’ Trai chairman J S Sarma told TOI.

The subscriber making the porting request has to give an undertaking that all billed dues to the donor operator have been paid as on the date of the request for porting, that he shall pay dues to the donor operator till the eventual porting of the number and that he understands and agrees that in event of non-payment of any such dues, the ported mobile number is liable to be disconnected by the recipient operator.

While a subscriber can withdraw his porting request within 24 hours of its submission to the recipient operator, the porting charges will not be refundable.

Trai allows a maximum of 4 days for the completion of the porting process in all licensed service areas except J&K, Assam and the North-East where the maximum time allowed is 12 days. However, efforts will be made to further reduce the porting period, it says. It is the responsibility of the originating operator to route the call to the correct terminating network.

Through these regulations, the telecom watchdog is laying down the basic business process framework for implementation of MNP in the country. TRAI placed the draft regulations on its website on June 27 for consultation with stakeholders. These regulations follow a careful review of written comments and open house discussions a month later.

Source : TOI Welcome - Times Of India ePaper
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That's a much awaited news.. I can't wait to switch from Idea to Airtel.

I hope this also means that I can use the same mobile number when changing states. I could surrender an airtel connection in Indore, and get the same number in Airtel Chennai through this option, right?
Why dont they upgrade to a system where the numbers/calls routing is done by TRAI or some organization, instead of the original operator routing calls to the new operator..

What if the original operator gives lower priority to the number on other networks?

Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?
Trust the operators to fight this tooth and nail and push it indefinitely as they did the last time around. Do you reckon they'd make it easy for their subscribers to jump ship?
Party Monger said:
Why dont they upgrade to a system where the numbers/calls routing is done by TRAI or some organization, instead of the original operator routing calls to the new operator..
What if the original operator gives lower priority to the number on other networks?

Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?
EXACTLY what I had in my mind... :)
hp-india said:
That's a much awaited news.. I can't wait to switch from Idea to Airtel.

I hope this also means that I can use the same mobile number when changing states. I could surrender an airtel connection in Indore, and get the same number in Airtel Chennai through this option, right?

Wrong. You can't do that.
The due date keep postponed 3rd time & I'm very optimistic that GSM players will play DEAL before 31st Dec. & we will get 31 Mar.2010 date.
Party Monger said:
Why dont they upgrade to a system where the numbers/calls routing is done by TRAI or some organization, instead of the original operator routing calls to the new operator..

What if the original operator gives lower priority to the number on other networks?

Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?

the latter :P

if i remember correctly, I saw some call for tenders from TRAI to setup a central routing system for the MNP :cool2:

No wonder the Airtel chaps been bugging me.

"Saar, Matr XYZ/- Mein Lifetime validity"

ofcource.. u wanna get as mch monies as possible from everybody before the death knell.

Hope this move brings more quality in the service.
I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the operators get the MNP postponed yet again. Also the fee for porting numbers will be insanely high. :/

Btw, why not change nos and let your friends and family know of your new number? it isnt that difficult ;)
red_devil said:
I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the operators get the MNP postponed yet again. Also the fee for porting numbers will be insanely high. :/

Btw, why not change nos and let your friends and family know of your new number? it isnt that difficult ;)

yes intially the no portability charges will be high only

but changing nos so frequently is not at all a good idea with many people!!
some people have the habit of changing no every 5-6 months then sms's everyone abt the change of his no
but still many want to keep their old no;s forever like me!!
i guess there wud be so many people like me!!:tongue:
Many operators have plans that provide lower call rates for calls within their networks. Today, I know the network of the number I am calling and so I get the benefit of the lower rate. What happens after portability comes in?

For instance, I have one Dolphin connection with which I have unlimited calling within MTNL Mumbai network of landline, Dolphin, Trump and Garuda. I know from the number when it is part of the MTNL network. For non-MTNL numbers I call from a different phone. How can I manage all this once there is portability?
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