You have understood the process incorrectly. It will not happen.Party Monger said:Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?
hp-india said:I hope this also means that I can use the same mobile number when changing states.
DigitalDude said:the latter
if i remember correctly, I saw some call for tenders from TRAI to setup a central routing system for the MNP :cool2:
red_devil said:I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the operators get the MNP postponed yet again. Also the fee for porting numbers will be insanely high. :/
Btw, why not change nos and let your friends and family know of your new number? it isnt that difficult![]()
Again, it wont be high!MohitPreet said:yes intially the no portability charges will be high only
Emil said:Many operators have plans that provide lower call rates for calls within their networks. Today, I know the network of the number I am calling and so I get the benefit of the lower rate. What happens after portability comes in?
Hacker said:Can we jump from cdma to gsm and keep the same number once no portability is activated??
Or can we jump from gsm to gsm and cdma to cdma only.
Party Monger said:Why dont they upgrade to a system where the numbers/calls routing is done by TRAI or some organization, instead of the original operator routing calls to the new operator..
What if the original operator gives lower priority to the number on other networks?
Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?
PhotostarSR said:^^The two MNP operators are Telecordia and Synverse.
PhotostarSR said:Conditions will worse for these biggies once this MNP is introduced as they have the high possibility of loosing some loyal and high ARPU subscribers.