From Dec 31, cell users can switch service, retain nos

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Can we jump from cdma to gsm and keep the same number once no portability is activated??

Or can we jump from gsm to gsm and cdma to cdma only.
Party Monger said:
Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?
You have understood the process incorrectly. It will not happen. :P

hp-india said:
I hope this also means that I can use the same mobile number when changing states.

You can only switch within the same service area. So no inter state porting. Please note I mentioned service area. Mumbai and Maharashtra are different service areas. Similarly UP is divided in two zones, east and west. So no porting between them either.

DigitalDude said:
the latter :P

if i remember correctly, I saw some call for tenders from TRAI to setup a central routing system for the MNP :cool2:


Its not a central routing system. It is more like a mediation system between operators to conduct the porting process and then share the porting information so that everyone gets updated. Every operator will need to know where the subscriber is, to route the call themselves.

red_devil said:
I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the operators get the MNP postponed yet again. Also the fee for porting numbers will be insanely high. :/

Btw, why not change nos and let your friends and family know of your new number? it isnt that difficult ;)

Unless all operators are ready it cannot be implemented, but to ensure that there will be fines. As high as getting the license canceled.

The porting fee will be nominal. Not more Rs. 300 in worst case scenario.

Several businesses would benefit from this, as for them it is not easy to change the number and keep updating everywhere.

MohitPreet said:
yes intially the no portability charges will be high only
Again, it wont be high!

Emil said:
Many operators have plans that provide lower call rates for calls within their networks. Today, I know the network of the number I am calling and so I get the benefit of the lower rate. What happens after portability comes in?

Unfortunately you cannot. Nothing has been talked about on this front.

Hacker said:
Can we jump from cdma to gsm and keep the same number once no portability is activated??

Or can we jump from gsm to gsm and cdma to cdma only.

You can jump from CDMA to GSM and viceversa.
nothing new friends,

been reading this in newspapers since 2004.

Lets wait and see finally which final will be the final date.

BTW i am tired of this call drops, they reduce the per call rate but cover it up with call drops. cuz a lot of people in my area face the same issue.
Yeah this has been reported in the papers for a long time.. But it used to keep getting postponed because the operators weren't equipped for the process.. I do hope this gets implemented on Dec 31 as mentiond.... I'm waiting to switch AIRTEL to VOdafone.... AIRTEL has the worst network coverage inside buildings... Its really irritating when I have absolutely NO COVERAGE and ppl around me using VOdafone have full coverage.....
Party Monger said:
Why dont they upgrade to a system where the numbers/calls routing is done by TRAI or some organization, instead of the original operator routing calls to the new operator..

What if the original operator gives lower priority to the number on other networks?

Arent these valid concerns or hav i understood the process incorrectly?

There are actually 2 vendors (not linked to the operators) who will handle the MNP at their terminals.

So all caller operators will check these 2 directories and terminate the calls at the correct networks.

Details on this will not be in the open domain for sometime though.
^^The two MNP operators are Telecordia and Synverse. One for north and other for south india.

One of the important concept which is not yet decided by TRAI is the sharing of porting charges.

They are deciding whether the donor operator should get any money or not..!

It will like..porting will be shared by:

1. Donor+Recipient+MNP Operator

2. Recipient+MNP Operator

One more thing what i observed recently after the launch of Tata Docomo is..

only few people are worried abt the change in number! coz b4 its launch operator share among our college students used to be like:

Airtel: 40%

Vodafone: 35%

Others: BSNL+Tata Indicom+Virgin Mobile+Spice(now idea)=25%

But after the Tata Docomo's and Aircel's launch, the equation became:

Tata Docomo: 50%

Airtel: 15%

Vodafone: 10%

Aircel: 5%

OthersBSNL+Tata Indicom+Virgin Mobile+Spice(now idea): 20%

So MNP is going to be big time flop if the porting charges are more than Rs.100

Reliance already recommended Rs.20 as the ideal price.

But anything between Rs.50 and Rs.100 is good for all. India is all about Volumes!

Also, the biggies like Airtel and Vodafone should leave their overconfidence that people will not move to other operators if their tariffs are even slightly lower! This was already proved by Tata Docomo.

Conditions will worse for these biggies once this MNP is introduced as they have the high possibility of loosing some loyal and high ARPU subscribers.
PhotostarSR said:
^^The two MNP operators are Telecordia and Synverse.

Telcordia and Syniverse. Common mistake. :)

PhotostarSR said:
Conditions will worse for these biggies once this MNP is introduced as they have the high possibility of loosing some loyal and high ARPU subscribers.

Which is why the porting fee should be high and the donor operator should get a major chunk. The fickle customers will anyway get a new number. :lol:
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