From where to get the Samsung Galaxy S 2 ?

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Wait till it is available officially. You won't need to shell out more than 32-34k then. But you will need to wait at least 1-1.5 months or so. At the moment it isn't available locally.

And importing mobile phones from abroad does mean paying 1.5-2 times as much.
I believe it should arrive in India in one week... price will be less than 35K (unless Samsung gets greedy at the last minute)
It will take some time, close to a month for all around avaialbility, can even take 1.5 months or so, but by end of june or beginning of july, it will be priced around 27-29k or so.

At launch it could be 31-32k though.

I am talking of street prices and not MRP, MRP is of course 35k.
you can buy from its available there for ~410 pounds. Shipping to india will be around 14 pounds or so & the customs that you have to pay to the courier guy will be 300-350 bucks. so all in all you can have it delivered to your house for ~ 35k. i had purchased a nexus one from them and the service was good. got the phone in 15 days.
hatter said:
I believe it should arrive in India in one week... price will be less than 35K (unless Samsung gets greedy at the last minute)
u cant trust them yet, remember how they overpriced wave 2!
Got some info from my dealer, bought the SGS on first day of launch from him.. phone should be out by end of this week. Pricing for the 16gb is 31-32k.. 32gb is unknown
(location: Bangalore)
This is seriously turning out to be the most anticipated smartphone ever... Maybe someone should start a GO here...;)
HailStonE said:
This is seriously turning out to be the most anticipated smartphone ever... Maybe someone should start a GO here...;)
not really the most anticipated smarthfone..

most people are flattered by 4core of mali gpu long as they remain unaware of the fact that Tegra2 Geforce ULP is indeed 8core. (what type of cores are we really talking about??!!)

I have been anticipating sgs2 launch but just for the sake of samoled+ ..nothing else is extra ordinary to be honest. If you really want the ultimatum then waiting until the end end of the annum would be suggested..just to witness qualcom's x4 running upto 2.5GHz series as well as tegra3. That is where the sex for nerds begins..!!
salluks said:
^^ u really need to get out of ur!

i dont know so much about myself..pfft
milk tree rocket cycle plastic monkey

if you can be clearer then i would try to understand what you mean to say. Else my reply stays as above.
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