FS: 2 120mm fans up for grabs.....

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Karan, I'm interested in the CM 120mm fan... if any other deals fall through, let me know. Btw, do you have it with you in Bangalore?
If you ever decide to sell the other higher CFM fan you have, the Thermaltake Thunderblade, dont bother making a new thread..... it is mine !!!

PS: Oh but wait.... did you sell that too to Goku ??? :( :( :'( :'(
Nikhil... shoo.. if he plans to sell the thunderblade.. im gonna grab it from him :p.. wanted to purchase it off sidewinders like karan said.. but outta cash at the moment.. :(
abbey.....dont poke your long ugly nose into this :p

I PM'ed him ages ago abt that fan !!! It has my name written all over it !!!
I want the 87 CFM fan you have..... I will buy it from you !!! Do you remember the PMs I sent you abt it ages ago ??

It has my name written all over it...

Come on Yahoo
abbe.. i have a very good eraser to erase ur name off it :p.. lol j/k carry on.. if hes sellin them then ur the first in the line.. but im second.. thts if by any chance u wish to drop off!!
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