FS- Dell Inspiron 640m- Unopened Box- Core Duo/Ultrasharp WXGA+ screen/DVD writer

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I just opened it back up ....

Just an update...Mohit received the laptop today....

I had sent it across through by the Zebronics guys..

The stupid courier that they used drenched th whole package completely in Water....

Thankfully though, I had wrapped up the machine in plastic before fixing it with thermocol...

So no damage to the laptop... :)

On a side note, why the hell do we not have a single dependable and good courier service in the country :(
superczar said:
Weird...I am trying to rate Mohit on this trade but unable to do so :(

Lemme pay you first dude ...lol :bleh:

anyways i think the buyer has to rate the seller first or something. ill rate u soon ...dont worry and then u can respond back.
^ Have you rated any other users today? There's a limitation in that you can rate only one person a day, so wait a bit and try later :)
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