Camera Full manual camera for 10K


I need a full manual camera for 10K.

It has to have an optical viewfinder.(the sole reason I ruled out Canon SX150)
@AMG Second hand pieces are your only option then mate.

Even I am in this dilemma and have noticed most pro-zoomers and point and shoot cameras [even with MANUAL mode] have sacrificed the optical viewfinder in the favour of a huge LCD view-screen / console.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!!

P.S. -- welcome to TE and have pleasant stay.
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any specific reasons why you want an optical viewfinder on the cam?

Multitude of reasons --
  • improved battery life;
  • personal preference [I think I am aiming bombs when I use a view-finder];
  • concise and accurate information provision, the electronic viewfinder is filled with a lot of symbols; I find it distracting on most occasions.
@OP, not sure you'll have much luck getting a cam with both manual & op. viewfinder. You'll probably have to compromise on either aspect. I remember trying to find a Canon a590 about 2 years ago, & still came back empty handed. So it's safe to say that you'll have to search wide & deep for a used cam or raise your budget.

There is a Canon S3is put up for sale in the TE market, but I think it has a electronic vf. Still something for your consideration maybe?
@OP, not sure you'll have much luck getting a cam with both manual & op. viewfinder. You'll probably have to compromise on either aspect. I remember trying to find a Canon a590 about 2 years ago, & still came back empty handed. So it's safe to say that you'll have to search wide & deep for a used cam or raise your budget.

There is a Canon S3is put up for sale in the TE market, but I think it has a electronic vf. Still something for your consideration maybe?

I agree, its a rare breed now. back than when I bought mine; there were plenty of options A570IS...590....A720IS. but I bought mine in 2007(more than 5 years back, got it from US when $ was 39 rs :) )
Its not old, its ancient :p, article date is from 2002.

Mine A570IS was newer than this.

Newer does not mean better. It is an S series model, predecessor to the SX20/ SX30 etc that people know for quality of the end results. Only downside I had with this was that it was limited to 4 MP, hence I moved to a 550D. My impression is no general series Canon unit actually gives better output than this, especially used in 'M' mode.
Newer does not mean better. It is an S series model, predecessor to the SX20/ SX30 etc that people know for quality of the end results. Only downside I had with this was that it was limited to 4 MP, hence I moved to a 550D. My impression is no general series Canon unit actually gives better output than this, especially used in 'M' mode.

Though I agree with it as a general statement, but in this specific case; you referred to some thing really old. The mentioned camera is not only limited with the size of pics, but also has less wider aperture, no IS, not so great macro mode, max ISO of 400, . It does offer a big sensor, raw, +bracketing (from what I found on net).

This piece might be a champ in its time, its retired now; there are better cameras to suite OP. (in fact I didn't recommend my camera due to same reason). There is nothing to be touchy about it. Its tech, it get old with time, no matter how advanced it was when it launched, that is it.
My impression is no general series Canon unit actually gives better output than this, especially used in 'M' mode.

Even current generation Canon Powershot SX series?

You do know that OP will get a basic SX 150IS [which has an image stabilizer]. So I pose this query.

Note: CHDK can help the SX series low and mid-range to shoot in RAW. So he is covered there as well.

This piece might be a champ in its time, its retired now; there are better cameras to suite OP. (in fact I didn't recommend my camera due to same reason). There is nothing to be touchy about it. Its tech, it get old with time, no matter how advanced it was when it launched, that is it.

Agreed, even I am using a Canon Powershot A400 and I enjoy using it but my sole motive to get a new camera is that I need a image stabilizer.

These cameras are not listed on the native [Indian] site of their respective companies. Really dicey on that factor.

Plus, please note that incase whilst shipping these get damaged you are in for a long drawn struggle to get these replaced / repaired as flipkart will wash itself clean in this case. Also, I do not know how the after sales network is of Olympus and FujiFilm is in India.