Fuzed !

^ In terms of VFM sound, yes it is the best to get .I liked the Cowon D2's sound as well . Its highly debatable some prefer the D2 sound while some like the Clip/Fuze sound . Both are equally good and recommended for portable audiophile setup.

If you are looking in terms of pure audiophile quality,the Amp3 sounds awesome .*remember that heavy Mp3 player Brendon had during the meet* .
Congrats man! :D

PS: I was supposed to come down with friends (read Vaibhav and co.) to Bombay this weekend. Thought of meeting you and the special friend but dropped the plans later. Btw I'm getting a package from him soon enough.
^Thanks. I know about your package, He was telling me yesterday ;). Do let me know if you plan to come down ,any time in the future !
^Just spoke to him. He's going to Singapore in a couple of days and won't be here for about a week to 10 days' time. The only piece left with him seems to have developed a mild dent on the faceplate so he's promised me a fresh piece from the manufacturer. I should be expecting the shipment within 15th of next month. :eek:hyeah:

Oh btw he did happen to hint me about you and that you wanted to hold that for me. Thanks faheem. :)
Btw Faheem head to headfi and search for LOD.There are lot many members who can do it for you OR pick one off the market(iff its available).Damn i just got nuetrik plugs which are useless :(
^ Incase you find a cheap LOD for the Fuze please let me know .The ones on head-fi are are usually custom made and cost a bomb -50-60$ , that's almost the price of a Fuze in US. :p

See if you can exchange the Neutrik's plug for something else @ Jaben store during your transit in S'pore.

@BF1983, Thanks ! Will catch up with you soon.