Gadgets in Your life, Your life with them

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I used to do the same, listening to music and riding, realized my mistake and stopped completely. Not worth the risk. The music is not worth the 20-30 min or whatever risky ride.
An experience driver always says "mujhe kuch nahi hota, i am experienced", that is over confidence.
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Phone (Pantech Burst) for day to day calls, emails and internet browsing.
Cowon d2 for music once or twice a week.
6 yr old PC as htpc for viewing TV or movies. Cheap sony earphones for listening.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus - Primary phone. Also serves TV series watching needs, light music, browsing and reading a fair bit.
Motorola Atrix - Given to sister now but still use it occasionally as a PMP (incorporating the famous Wolfson DAC). Sound quality on CM7 is absolutely fantastic and goes well with the rather large battery. It's a shame Motorola bailed out on this fantastic device.
Dell XCD 35 - Backup phone. Also occasionally used to download stuff over Wi-Fi.
Sansa Clip + - One of my bestest purchases. Bought way back in 2009 through the TE GO. Use it for casual listening as well as during jogging/walking. RockBox has given it a new lease of life altogether!
Brainwavz Pro-Alpha - Use it for all music listening needs and when watching videos/YouTube on phone.
JVC Marshmallow - Meant for jogging/walking purpose only.
Sony MDR XD-200 - For movies/TV series/videos on monitor.
Desktop PC - For all purposes. Most time is spent on this. Browsing, freelance writing, lurking around forums, and reading.
ASUS PA238Q - A special mention of this as I consider it my best purchase. Watching movies and videos is an absolute pleasure on this IPS monitor and the amazing stand has proven quite useful in the past. Makes me wonder how good those bigger 27" and 30" IPS panels must be from Dell!
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Xperia Z > Family Calls
Xperia P > biz calls
Htc one> Friend/Mates call
Vaio 1 > Downloading only
Vaio 2> use in store
lenovo netbook > use while travelling on college bus
Air > Gfx editing and working in bed
Master PC (8 yr old :D) > Starts my work daily, works for 10 min only :D
Deskop PC> carries the work forward, and work all throughout the day :D
ns7fx> morning music session :D
D3000> for taking shoe pics :p
Astro A50 > music during night :D

rest are being used on weekly basis :p
Like PS3 for sunday gaming, projector for saturday night show, canon m31 for weekly shot of my pets, etc
Daily phone: Sony Live With Walkman (Stock ICS - Rooted) (Music, Whatsapp, a little bit of gaming, low-res movies)
Home Tablet: iPad mini (Gaming, Music, Movies, Surfing, News)
Camera: Olympus E-PM1 + 14-42mm kit lens + macro-adapters(occasionally) for casual photography and sometimes for special compositions
Home PC(config in sig): Gaming, Downlaoding, Movies/TV-Series, Music
Headphones: Sennheiser HD202 II used with mobile, tablet and PC

Mobile : SGS3 - for calling/sms, browsing when outside, music, occasional video, regular reading ebooks while traveling from office and of course games.
Computing : some 3 year old Dell Inspiron 15" with 23" Monitor for general computing (including few web dev stuffs).
Gaming : Xbox360 RGH'ed with 32" samsung LCD + 8 years old Creative 4.1 speakers. :P
home pc (nick name june)- downloading tv show/movie watching,online shopping,gaming et al
walkman nwz s545 (nick name april) - music,love the clear bass,3 years and still going strong,imo walkmans are one of the most underrated devices,ever.
Lumia 520 (nick name october)- calls,text,watsapp,surfing,taking casual shots etc.few phones I know are as fantastic as this,never ever hangs
meelec m9 - the earphone that made me love bass,built like a tank and super performer
PC - for PC stuff, has basically become an alt-tv + light gaming box

Phone (Lumia 710) - Music player, GPS, Browsing the net during office hours, calorie tracking

Photography (D90+a bunch of lenses) - photo stuff, mostly as an add-on to my biking

I do value my biking trips though, no "gadgets" as such but gear, maintenance etc. do cost a pretty penny. It's worth it though, case in point; I have actually been able to enjoy a few moments of perfect silence in some remote areas (Rajasthan and Kutch), a virtual impossibility in/near the cities.
Lumia 520 - Make phone calls, texts, Alarm, GPS, check email, Music Player. The best phone a not-so-rich person can buy. I love this phone.

Alienware M17x R3 - Don't know why I bought this. Play DotA sometimes (haven't played in a while though), browsing, coding, college work. Connect it to my TV to watch shows, movies, music. Dont buy this laptop if this is the only laptop you'll have and you are going to need to move around with it a lot.

Dell Optiplex 960 - My work computer. Use it mostly to pass time: TE, reddit, facebook etc.

PS3 - Netflix, Play games occasionally, Youtube.
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