Galaxy S II or Galaxy Nexus?

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Hey everyone,

Between these two phones which one would you prefer having in consideration the OS, the memory and so on.
Close call...

If the matter of warranty was not there ( Nexus not serviceable in India ) , i would have chose Nexus because of its larger screen and most importantly developer support ( all updates at the earliest )
Get the nexus. I have both Nexus and SGS2 at home. I find the Nexus design and screen better than SGS2. I would say get the SGS3 if your budget permits :).
chill mate. U really need to get your language straight. People help you not bcs your entitled to it but bcs THEY want to. Would really help if you stopped being an entitled little kid and start being a bit more polite.

Oh lol sorry man wasnt my intetion at all and i am actually really happy with the people that helped me so thank you all.
However you dont have to talk to me like that aswell... because what i said was not to offend but what you said was completely innapropriate.
Oh lol sorry man wasnt my intetion at all and i am actually really happy with the people that helped me so thank you all.
However you dont have to talk to me like that aswell... because what i said was not to offend but what you said was completely innapropriate.

Nvm then. My apologies. In anycase, Gnex is better in most respects except the processor and lack of warranty. Go for it ONLY if you can live without warranty. Otherwise SGS2 is quite frankly "something you cant go wrong with"

My Vote? Gnex specially if you get it with dealer warranty which will take care of DOA's and any such initial hickups, phones dont generally go wrong for a year. But you need some insurance against DOA for that a dealer warranty would do.
Emm sorry too. Anyway, everyone says to buy the GNex and i beleive mainly because of the screen and not because of the OS because in the GS2 gingerbread can be easly update to ICS through kies. So in spite of the gorgeous display of the nexus i find the GS2 much better because of the touchwiz 4.0, the update to ics, the camera and the expandable memory. And on the GNex i wont have warranty and if i buy the SG2 i will so that's kinda important.
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