Gals Facebook Status Updates : Colors

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Here comes the reply, got a FB forward in my inbox couple of mintues ago.

JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST TESTICULAR CANCER! Post the color of the jocks, chaddis, briefs, whatever the hell you're wearing under your pants, as your status message! :P forward to guys only please :P

Its a brilliant campaign guys. The fact that there is a thread here shows how viral it is. The ultimate aim of any campaign is to create awareness and act as a reminder. Many women must have had a self examination becos of this, as it creates a recall.
Ragin_Ice said:
Its a brilliant campaign guys. The fact that there is a thread here shows how viral it is. The ultimate aim of any campaign is to create awareness and act as a reminder. Many women must have had a self examination becos of this, as it creates a recall.

Honestly, I doubt that......
I have seen many of my girl 'friends' also post color in FB!

Majority of them posted "Black"!!! lol :P

Now it will be good if they can post the size also! Me and my friends used to guess their sizes in we can know how much we were correct :P

Awesome! Girls and their Stupidity Rockzzzzz!
The girls on mt FB friends list hardly posted black.Most were like Gorgeous pink, Pale rose, red etc.Red was a majority.
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