GameZen -New Gaming Cafe in Bangalore

Really fusckd up pricing there mate ..

Rs 100/Hr.. Seriously !!!

Day Package: UNLIMITED day gaming @ Rs 1000 per person

Buddy take some cues from BLUR Gaming cafe .. LINK .. & check out their arrangements .. and pricing.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said: we get free hookers or something? Thats very expensive :O


Really made my day!

The pics are blocked anyway but is this comparable to Blur @ Chennai?
The pics are blocked anyway but is this comparable to Blur @ Chennai?

This place is nowhere even close to BLUR .. :p






Size is very small... No mention of extra facilities..

Just a bunch of couches n consoles.

Someone earlier said location isnt also that good.

FINALLY no PC gaming from the looks of it.. sheesh.

Its quite simple..

Low prices -- good snacks -- fair treatment of all customers -- reasonably intelligent manager.

Dont care about the int. decor + big screen plasmaz.
Rs 200/- per hour... :O

Cost of visiting this gaming cafe for 3 hrs per day for 20 days is equal to price of brand new xbox360 :tongue:

Anyways it's near to my house...but I'm never gonna visit this place..
I think we have already discussed better alternatives to spending such amount of money on an hourly basis.. :p
Probably targetting a different client base. The rich fat cats who shop at UB city types just because they have money. Don't know how succesful it'll be but when someone spends this much money in opening a business they would have definitely conducted a market survey of some sort.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Probably targetting a different client base. The rich fat cats who shop at UB city types just because they have money. Don't know how succesful it'll be but when someone spends this much money in opening a business they would have definitely conducted a market survey of some sort.

The location near Whitefiled might betray the intention, they want grown up techies to hang out there, after work perhaps.

If they throw in a bar then maybe it could work out better. Thats what the decor reminded of anyway, like a lounge of some sort.

Who else could afford those rates otherwise.

This ain't for kids (excepting techie's kids) that's for sure.
The pricing is just insane .. even for a 'premium gaming experience'

Even if you're rich .. you wont spend ur moolah on such a poorly put-together joint.

The decor is nothing special. If you guys are thinking of an E-Sports bar .. well the concepts seems good .. but this comes no where close to achieving it.

I had sighted the example of Blurr of a more professional & premium gaming experience which is well worth the buck (if you can afford it..)

The website is a sad story on its own.. the marketing .. if this thread can be considered that.. is horrible.. & is only attracting dissatisfied response like this.

Lets hope this guy has brains to let up on the pricing becoz what ever his target customer is .. he wont have more than 2-3 hrs of occupancy per day.

If hes targeting rich working guys.. well they dont have time to spend 2 hrs a day gaming .. and have better places to be on weekends.

If he puts up a bar .. well he make a ton of money outta the drinks it self.. so no real use of the gaming consoles lying around.. jus put up a few snooker tables n big screens . n make it a decent sports bar.
jc36lect3r said:
Bit far from the city :)
Are there any PC's? Or is it console only? Cool concept, place looks super !!

Thanks Mate. As of now its consoles only with plans to expand into PC as well.

Do drop in sometime & check out the place.
