GameZen -New Gaming Cafe in Bangalore

6) Alienware rigs to be introduced in second phase.

Case closed :p

You surely arent going to attract gamers at those rates. But if you make this into a pub, with the gaming as an addon than maybe...

Atleast in Mumbai, a success rate of a lounge depends primarily on the decor, food/drinks menu and music. A really good ambiance (from the pics yours seem a.

average) with shitty hip hop music, and good food lounges do well in Mumbai.

Anyways atleast you have the courage to open something different, best of luck with the endeavor. Bottomline if its fun to the yuppie crowd, it will do well. People spend upwards of 2k a night at lounges in Mumbai for the fun..
If you plan to attract the Whitfield yuppy crowd I can see this working. Still, I have to echo what everyone else has said about the pricing. Seems a bit steep.
guys one thing..............

do you know the price of property..........its like touching skies.

okay now how many of you own Gaming lounge.

Even, i own 2 gaming lounge and i know what it takes to make it click.

we should appreciate this guy by telling him that he is promoting gaming .

that is his bussiness strategy to put up such rates.

Guys lets not demoralize him.

my 2 cent on this.


anshul_coolguy said:
Guys lets not demoralize him.
Given he's put in a lot of cash into this venture do you really think some guys on a web board could demoralise him ?

He'd done his homework right -- and placed his bet ;)

Its pretty clear he's going for the yuppie crowd, given the location, this is prolly a place for the 'straight' lot to hang out after work or...hehe. i got it.

Corp outings, lunch or early evening ;) his bulk rates are very attractive.
This is not a demoralizing forum. Its a place where u can see your potential clients' opinions and change your business strategy accordingly.

For example, since everyone probably wouldn't visit the place just based on such high prices, he might as well lower prices or give heavy starting discounts to reel in the crowds and then slowly increase prices to cover his costs. You cant have a set plan and stick to it especially in a business which is completely customer driver (word of mouth in this segment is make-or-break for gaming cafes). You need to adapt to what your customers tell you.

At the end of the day the appeal of gaming lounges is declining over the years, seeing how successful and well recieved multiplayer gaming is over the internet (consoles included - XBL and PSN). You need to do something more and stand out to catch everyone's attention.

Just my 2 cents.
hyperknight, there is a sucker born every minute. You cant save them all :p
And there is good money to be made. I dont have a problem with that.
Well if you wanna consider a similar scenario that .. ermm .. You go to a five/seven star hotel and they would charge you a 100 bucks for a glass of water.. which is practically free at evry other eating joint ..

What many people here feel is this .. what the cafe is offering is nothing close to the price being paid by the customer ..

Hey some cafe will come along n provide you gold plated PS3 controllers .. would u pay a million bucks to play wid them..

Its the argument of cost vs quality.

Even us light-pocketed techies spend loads of cash on all kinds of tech-stuff .. H/W & games etc .. but all of it is done after considerable research into the products pros n cons .. we dont just blow money on useless high-priced stuff .. just becuz of its premium .. all things said .. it comes down to what you can offer.

I sighted the example of Blurr.. sorry to repeat it again.. they give quality .. premium which you can experience .. now .. as per the current dismal view/look of GameZen .. I'm still cynical to say the least about its prospective success.