Gaming and sleep

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Enclave Plus
Has anyone observed a link between how well/bad they sleep and how much they are gaming ? Specifically high-intensity games. Think witcher, horizon zero dawn. Not strategy or civ games.
I had always been a heavy sleeper till 2018. Subsequently I got really into gaming- witcher 3, subnautica love! and around the same period my sleep was very disturbed. I don't want to make too many assumptions. But I finished horizon zero dawn 2 weeks ago, and today I realized that I have been suddenly sleeping very well for the past 7-15 days. 8 hrs.
Could be a coincidence. Its also important to note I get a bit too 'involved' in high intensity situations, like when facing a thunderjaw or in many moments in witcher 3. Witcher 3 is amazing btw
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When I play games before sleeping, this happens. If there is a good gap between gaming session and sleep, sleep doesnt seem to be affected then.
Age has to have a factor as well.

Thats why its suggested to go easy on the eyes especially mobile screens before sleeping for a good sleep. Applies to gaming on bigger or smaller screen as well
For me it's kinda the opposite, I cannot sleep soundly if I play too much, I start getting nonsensical dreams mixing up the game in question and reality.
I clocked in 40 hours playing Nier:Automata over the past 3 days and I haven't been able to sleep soundly at all, I have worked as a game tester in the past for almost 7 years and I used to face the same problem back then too.

Videogames serve as a form of escapism & since some games are so immersive they sort of break troubling thought patterns that are lingering in the back of your mind, so maybe you were distracted long enough by HZD that you stopped giving attention to whatever it was that was bothering you.
When the lockdowns were first announced, while people got sucked into the constant stream of depressing and fear inducing 24/7 news coverage and articles I started a second playthrough of The Witcher 3 instead. I haven't been able to relate to most people's reactions to this whole CV situation as a result.
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Key to good sleep is to do away with your dinner, gaming, tv watching etc atleast 2 hrs prior to going to bed.
You may read something or listen to some easy music though during those 2 hrs.
My sleep has never been affected by a game that I am playing but I do see very vivid dreams with amazing environments. I guess my brain picks a lot of those from the games I play :P
Yeah sleep not affected but sometimes do dream about stuff if playing something just before sleeping. Just today was dreaming of football because of Fifa and Football Manager.
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