1. Yes should go for the 3570k . But its a white elephant , it will eat a lot ! . It needs a good cooler , it needs a good cabinet ! .
People here have bought the 3450 or 3550 and a decent motherboard , all costing some 20k or less combined and very happy .
So I guess its a personal choice , I would like to keep my options open .
2. I say go for another board , thou Asus V gene seems a great board , I dont think a general user needs it . It is for those guys who want every possible MHz from their processor i.e., those extreme overclockers , there is a switch for LN2 in it !!!!
I got decent ears , so I can confidently say , the FX III is a gimmick , nothing much to brag about , it might be good , but not out of the world as Asus makes it out to be .
Go for something like the V - pro which has wifi go and is an ATX board .
Thou let me tell you , the community support for the Gene is unparalleled , most problems you have can directly be found through googling . Its not the same for all boards out there .
For everything else there are @
sumonpathak and @
cyberwarfare , these guys are an encyclopedia in themselves .
Still from a general user's view , its ok if your processor can do 4.3 Ghz instead of 4.4 , no big deal , spend on features that you actually are going to use .
This is my view .
3. Ripjawz overclock better , so if you want to overclock , ripjawz it is , I would have gone for the same but I already had the snipers , not problem , WEI of the ram is 7.8 !! .
4. Cooler is your choice .
I would go with the Noctua NH - D14 , or the newer NH-C14 although its new , D14 still cools better , only thing about C14 is its design and low weight .
I ll tag
#terence_fdes , he owns it , so he can share personal experience . Sir hope you have not forgotten me :bleh: .
Yes the H100 can get a bit loud like a blower if you overclock and its on high settings . Even on medium settings it makes a lil noise but not much , but the kinda noise it makes irritates me . Its not the pump noise !! , the fans are making noise , If I overclock , I will replace them with quieter fans . If you got a pump that makes noise , time for RMA ! .
I guess the bearing makes whining noise , which I hate .
The greatest myth about Noctua and Silver arrow people have is , using those stock silent fans they can get those high end overclocks . Serious overclockers replace them with fans with higher CFM to get better cooling . So you might want to consider that , I was going for D14 before but this changed my mind . This sumon and moksh told me ,
am not 100 percent sure on this , you can ask them or do your own research .
At the moment I hardly go over 40-45 percent usage , hardly !! and even at stock I cannot max out the processor . I played 10 1080p videos through youtube and still it did not reach 100 percent

. So am using the h100 on low settings , because am not overclocking the moment , will raise when I overclock . At the moment , the whole combination makes for a dead silent PC for me . I can hear my ceiling fan but not my PC .
3770k is a waste of money for us unless you are into video editing , animation , photoshop etc which use hyperthreading .
5. If you wanna go with a heavy air cooler , a big NO for the 500R . Also I wont be confident putting an heavy air cooler in 500R .
Go for the 400R , much better and will save over 1.5 k , can invest elsewhere . I went with 500 R because it fits the h100 very nicely . Infact these are made for each other , which I actually hate , Corsair is one of the most undemocratic company for me , it leaves no choices to use other firm's products at all .
Even the fan controller on the 500R has strange or different non standardized pins which can only fit the fans that are given as stock .
They cant even fit the newer Corsair fans . So if some fan goes kaput after 2 yrs of warranty , you are forced to buy the same fans ! .
6. OCZ vertex 4 is similar to reads in the neutron GTX , writes the vertex 4 is better . Vertex 4 is currently the hot drive on the market as the best overall drive .
But there seems to be some problem with speeds getting lower when the drive fills up . @
cyberwarfare bro can explain better , sorry tagging you too much bro .
I was thinking of Vertex 4 before but went with Corsair for better rma support . Its your personal choice . But the Corsair GTX is 1.3 k more than the Vertex 4 .
Also dont be confused between the Corsair Neutron and the Corsair Neutron GTX . GTX is the one to go for . only Neutron costs same as Vertex 4 but lags too much in benchmarks .
But trust me , SSD makes the most noticeable difference in day to day computing also .
7. Why CM man ? . Corsair it is ! .
Same price , a 500Rs extra for corsair is worth it totally .
8. WD has 3 yrs warranty and I like their rma service . Have never used Seagate so dont know much about it . I bought an external drive because I have use of it .
I needed a portable storage media . If you wont use it , I would any day recommend internal HDD instead of external HDD .
9. Again personal choice , logitech makes good products .
10. Am allergic to headphones hence went with a 2.0 speaker system . You can ask @
ALPHA17 for what headphones you can shortlist .
I guess he has already given you options .
11. Check this thread
http://www.techenclave.com/pc-peripherals/suggest-23-inch-1080p-led-138723/ .
I thought you had decided to go for a very good monitor , change of mind ?
You seriously concerned about 30W extra power ? .
I guess power consumption is a issue to be considered while buy a GPU . Some a gpu like 7770 or even 7850 for low power consumption because it makes a significant difference .
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edit , sorry I tagged wrong , @
terence_fdes for the C14 , I used the previous tag method of hash