Gannu-Play- Ra.One The Game

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Re: Ra.One The Game

L&T should invest some money into making of games like these and give a free copy to all its employees , this would make all its employees not to skip work and also devote few extra hours :p.
Re: Ra.One The Game

isnt gannu forced to play this game because he is the gaming mod so he should play it and give us a review? , i mean how come a gaming mod not play a game!!!1
Re: Ra.One The Game

Yea, exactly, being a gaming mod should come with some responsibilities. They should be ready to take up the gauntlet when everyone else is too scared to do it. You know "Boldly go where no man has gone before" and all that. :p
Re: Ra.One The Game

pretttt said:
You know "Boldly go where no man has gone before" and all that. :p

Haha Gannu, last i heard you had a gf? Better let her know before you "Boldly go where no man has gone before" :p
Re: Ra.One The Game

^Bwahahah...WTH man..!! Haha :rofl: Also Seriously let us know when you try this game. :p
Re: Ra.One The Game

guys kindly help me in my campaign .....i also need a facebook page and if possible a twitter campaign to be started in this regard....

come on gannu , you can do this!!!!
Re: Ra.One The Game

Joining in to the campaing.

Someday we might look back on this and decide that making Gannu play Ra.One was the one decent thing we were able to pull out of this whole godawful, shitty mess.
Re: Ra.One The Game

Gannu, TE will sponsor you a copy of this game. As a gaming section mod you have to play this game and post a review asap. We'll also sponsor you a Ra.One poster.
Re: Ra.One The Game

i will arrange for a giant poster of srk to be pinned to your wall when you play it
Re: Ra.One The Game

Saiyan said:
Gannu, TE will sponsor you a copy of this game. As a gaming section mod you have to play this game and post a review asap. We'll also sponsor you a Ra.One poster.

Bugger this is blasphemy! :'(
Re: Ra.One The Game

^I think it'll be a gem in your PS3 collection.

And since Gannu likes completing his games, he might become the only one in India to do so with :chinese:
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