Gears of War 4 PC

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So, is anyone playing this? I know it's super expensive here, but I redeemed my 1070 code and started playing and it's quite good. The production value is super high and sound, visuals are all top notch. And Gears with mouse keyboard is always fun, shotgun to the face!

Maybe I will try out the multiplayer when I am done with the campaign.
Pretty good. Just played the prologue and first chapter, everything runs great and looks awesome.
They had called me & had no idea regarding this (it seems they were unaware of this offer) they said they will try & let me know. Though I don't think they can do anything too.
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^^From nvidia generally they only give you the code. Ask your retailer or apply online at the site.
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Damn.. The promotion expired on the site. I dont want watch dogs either. I should be getting gears since i bought it last week. Is there any point of contact for this at nvidia?
Gears of war 4 is created mainly keeping co-op in mind. This game has a total of 5 acts & in single player mode the first 3 acts are honestly boring. You go from point a to b kill waves of enemies & proceed. Rinse & repeat. It might be fun in 4 player co-op. The fun starts in the last two acts & they are better than the other acts & you will enjoy them in single player mode.
I also faced a problem with this game, during the cutscenes the screen will freeze for few seconds & this is for all the cutscenes.
Apart from these the game is a good port & the gameplay is smooth most of the time. Visually this game is a hit & miss some details are remarkable like you can see the raindrops sliding down from the characters suit , few maps are beautiful.
Since this is a port thats why I wont complain much about the visuals but many times they do look a bit washed out. Some low resolution textures you can easily make out in the environment where also rain has no effect. But these can be easily ignored too. I have completed the game on maxed 1440p (downscaled to 1080p).
For the story well its not bad & is presented well. The voice acting is good & music matches the gameplay. The boss fights are good & satisfying too.

As for the controls honestly I would recommend a K/B & mouse. The movement is easy with a controller (xbox 360) but aiming is really frustrating & boring during battles.I have played with both.
Multiplayer seemed interesting but I was not much interested in its multiplayer however I did played a match & there was not much of a problem in finding it. It also has a competitive mode too if you are interested. Anyways If you want to co-op then you may think of buying it (though I think its overpriced now). If you are planning to play the single player then you may skip this or try to get it at a cheaper rate.
Single player score : 6.5/10
Overall: 8.1/10

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Which edition did you game on? Standard or Ultimate? Planning to get it.. For both SP & MP.. But Ultimate edition is bit pricy.. Will i miss a lot if i go with the standard edition?
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