Just completed the game and never have I been so bored to death playing a Gears of War title. Heck, I wouldn't fathom attaching the word "bored" with a Gears title, until now. Let's get something straight, if you're looking for a Single Player experience, skip this entirely, as Judgement is nothing but a full fledged Horde mode. Dull story, dull characters, dull voice acting....need I go on? You get the picture.
Aftermath was again slightly bearable. But it still couldn't wash over the effect of the 7 hour horde battle. I think EPIC/People Can Fly should probably look into developing another franchise now. That goes double for all the other game franchises, which are now hitting their third game mark. Seriously, this has got to stop. 3 is the sweet spot for sequels. I mean there is an absolute limit to the amount of abuse a franchise can take, post that, it starts to stink worse than a rotting Horse's corpse.
Stay away from this title, if you're looking for an enriched SP experience. MP is probably a different ball game though.