Guide Get IP's Of Your Friends on Yahoo and MSN

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1. Search for: "Netlimiter download" and download it.

Then when you talk with someone on yahoo ormsn, send them a file (whatever... a pic or maybe a video?!?)

2. when the download(or upload) starts, open netlimiter and find msn messenger in the list of apps... Open the user your talking to too see what ip addresses is connected.

Then you just have to look what ip that is downloading(or uploading)
And there you go. thats his/her IP.

Wasnt that much easyer than using netstat?

P.S. you have to send a file cos if not all info goes thru another server.

There are a few other tools like Netmon that you can use. Read my other tutorial on introduction to Telnet on what you can do with an IP.

This is my second guide for the day. I have more than 10 already on my computer. Would publish them soon.

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Actually, you won't have to send a file. What you can do instead is enable the option "Allow me to connect directly to my contacts when sending messages" in the Security tab of the MSN Messenger Options. This way, even while sending IMs, you'd be connected to your contact. Same goes for Yahoo.

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thanx inzi, that was much better, now i will find out who that lame chixxor is who bugs me on yahoo :S
inzider said:
Actually, you won't have to send a file. What you can do instead is enable the option "Allow me to connect directly to my contacts when sending messages" in the Security tab of the MSN Messenger Options. This way, even while sending IMs, you'd be connected to your contact. Same goes for Yahoo.

Did that on MSN, where's a similar option for it in Yahoo? Also, once i have done that i shud use netlimiter to check the IP?
bluediamond said:
wat all can u do with the ip address of the other person ;)

Well for buggers, mail bombing :clap: ....preety sure he wont b using tht id again....wel he WONT b able too ;)

nd didnt find an option in yahoo....but doesnt matter, thr r many ways :tongue:
inzider said:
Actually, you won't have to send a file. What you can do instead is enable the option "Allow me to connect directly to my contacts when sending messages" in the Security tab of the MSN Messenger Options. This way, even while sending IMs, you'd be connected to your contact. Same goes for Yahoo.


I'm sure there is no such option in Yahoo messenger ( any version). The chats are relayed thru yahoo messenger and only file tranfers(and maybe webcam connections ) require direct p2p connection.
True, there isnt such an option in Yahoo. The misunderstanding arose due to a wrongly phrased statement. Scuze me for that :) All yahoo conversations take place as direct connections to the contacts (Information obtained through a post on another forum quite a while ago, ahem ahem). You'll find that option only in MSN.

I took the liberty to test it out. I sent rave a message on Yahoo. Even a buzz would do. Even though rave never replied, his IP showed up in my netstat. As a backup, i tried the same on someone else. The new IP in question showed up as well. I've greyed out the IP's, or most parts of them, to protect the identity of the innocent. :P Damn, already told you t'was rave :rofl:

Check out the screenie @ [url=""][/url]. The iqara one is Rave, and the 61 series is metallus. The hotmail one is just a nice addition, and in no way does it mean that i'm friends with the hotmail server.


i think till recently ,yahoo dint have this feature...if u tried to even send a file,it would show a yahoo proxy or so.guess it works otherwise now.
u dont need to send files...u can see their ip in ur in my sygate..u can see ip by view>>connection details and check messenger...see to whom its connected.
u can also do by netstat as inzider said. :)
i tried running netlimiter and also enabled the setting in MSN i do not get the ip address in netlimiter i get only some microsoft ip addresses.
@bosky - Actually, till recently, MSN didn't have this feature. The Yahoo IP thing has been around for many many months now (over 10 months at least). Remember the screenie tecno had posted "elsewhere" long ago as proof ?
bluediamond said:
wat all can u do with the ip address of the other person ;)
If his IP is static then you can kill him if he hasent protected himself properly.
I mean if all he has is windows firewall then you can really bring his netwoek to crawl, use default ports that are open to send backdoor files. Etc etc.
Thats why you should use proxy.
Hey techmaster is right. I tried to find the ip of someone from USA through msn by netlimiter and netstat -b. i didnt send them anything just words :) and all I got was a microsoft ip probably hotmail!. ill try sending a file
could anybody elaborate on this? thanks
Now i'm using the google file transfer thing.When i do the netstat -a while transfering a file, all i see is the ip of my ISP.
So,how can i get others ip address?
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