Get paid for online surfing....

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Are any of you aware of any real programs that pay for surfing online or viewing ads.
I would be really interested even if I could just get Rs.1000-2000 per month.

How is this site for the info:
thedude said:

Are any of you aware of any real programs that pay for surfing online or viewing ads.
I would be really interested even if I could just get Rs.1000-2000 per month.

How is this site for the info:

Looks like we have another TechBoi in the making !!

Dude.. I doubt you'll get anywhere doin that.. you'd be better off doin some part-time job :)
Don't have time for any job.

But some of them do seam real, so I want to confirm.

Has anybody else done this before?

eg: and
none...of them work..dude...only hardwork pays...nothing else..!!so some u r vacations...and

even..i need a money for all my upgrades..etc. but..cant find anyway .to earn..due to tite..schedule !!
this should be fun ... :rofl: :P :P

thedude said:
[quote name='digital_brain'][quote name='thedude'][quote name='digital_brain'][quote name='thedude'][quote name='digital_brain'][quote name='thedude']Hi

I joined surfjunky.

Are you a member as well?

How much have you earned yet?
lol.. to earn $0.45 u need to be 36 hrs online atleast ..
:P :P :P
ihavnt earn anything for now . :rofl:[/QUOTE]

then why the hell have you put its link on it, are you trying to fool as well?
they pay 0.45$/hr to start with. What makes you think that it takes 36hrs?
They pay once it reaches 25$. I have already made around 1$.[/QUOTE]
ok.. keep on making money :) :) :) :) :)[/QUOTE]

I seriously want to know, you have the link, why don't you want to make money, or are you very rich anyway?

Are there more such sites that you know and are free?[/QUOTE]
Me and rich .. lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
thats why i dont have a cell phone :P and own a fx5200 :P

just its not worth it .. spend the time studying and u will land up ina better job where u can earn 10 times more ...:cool2:

if u are good at maths (unlike me :P) .. check this out Scam[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
nobody saying he is, just that he's on his path.

Those scammers fool casual surfers. Don't join those, haven't heard of any of them truly work.
thedude said:
why is everybody considering me techboi?

oh no.... dun listen to these bastids..... they all fools lying to ya.

surf away my friend.... surf away.

may one day u overtake BillG .... hopefully.

good bless you.
Karan said:
oh no.... dun listen to these bastids..... they all fools lying to ya.

surf away my friend.... surf away.

may one day u overtake BillG .... hopefully.

good bless you.
:ohyeah: ...:ohyeah:
anywayz...who is this techboy ?
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