Get ready to pay more for Violating Traffic rules

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Indian Government has decided to increase the fine for violating traffic rules.

> Rs.500 fine for not wearing seat-belt, or helmet or jumping red-signal

> Upto Rs.5000 fine for Drunken driving

>Rs. 1000 penalty for speed, which may increase till Rs.5000 for repeating act

>Rs. 500 for talking on cellphone, which may increase till Rs.5000 for repeating act

I think this move will allow the traffic-walla to extort more and more money from innocent people.

I think instead of posing fines, they should be asked to do social works , what's you take
at least, as far as fines are concerned, we are reaching western starndards.

now, implementing proper road saftey and quality is another matter.
I have only violated a traffic rule once. I jumped a signal. The officer wanted to let me off for 50 rupees but I paid and insisted on a fine receipt. This was ~ 5 years back when I had just received my DL. I still carry that receipt in my wallet as a reminder for never violating traffic rules!

For Mumbai people:

1) Wear seatbelts, Helmets and don't jump Red lights.

2) You cannot be charged for speeding as our roads are so pathetic and pothole ridden that you won't be able to speed!

3) Don't drink and drive and use a in car audio bluetooth receiver for cellphone calls. Like the Fiat Blue n Me.

There, I just saved you a lot of money!!
All this is good actually.

Only one issue, it gives more power to the corrupt cops to exploit some citizens.
why dont they introduce fine for vechile which don't have working tail lights or brake lights, that tend to cause much more accidents in comparison to speeding.

#Neo-v, till date i hadn't be caught by traffic police once, just happened once speeding @80-90 inside the city, the cops tried to catch me, but phew!!! they all got vanished in dust...
Still wont change much. Cops will still collect bribes. And people will still try to speak on the phone when driving. Only to stop when they see a cop like I saw one joker do it today.

IMO, if drunk and driving, straight license cancellation, if caught 2nd time, jail.
I'm perfectly okay with huge fines - however fines must be accompanied with documented proof - eg. if you are caught speeding, they should give you a print of the speed gun's output and if you are caught jumping signals, they should give you an image of the same. If the same is not provided by the cops, fines should not be imposed. This will avoid all unwanted corruption.

Also the speed limits on highways - especially dual carriageways need a revision from their 60-80kph to atleast 100-120kph for cars. For heavy vehicles, 80kph is okay. However who on earth travels at 80 in any modern car on a good highway.
I never violated traffic rules in my life. Unfortunately, I parked my bike in No parking zone (I was unaware of that
), Police pickup crane picked my bike. I had to pay Rs. 200 fine. I paid it and asked for a receipt
I also said that policeman "Sorry" for the mistake I did. It was my responsibility to park my bike in parking zone..
#Neo-v, till date i hadn't be caught by traffic police once, just happened once speeding @80-90 inside the city, the cops tried to catch me, but phew!!! they all got vanished in dust...

^^ It's Neo-n! And I am not talking about 'being caught'! I am talking about not violating rules in the first place! And if you do end up violating rules, own up and pay the damn fine!
Can we have driving on the wrong side of the road, and driving with blindingly high beams as offenses as well?

(and remove seatbelt/helmet from offense list: its a persons choice to secure themselves. Only what threatens others lives should be an offense)
#mehrotra.akash Agree with you. Find them lights blinding myself, especially on the highway. As for driving on wrong side of the road, dunno how much petrol these idiots are trying to save when they may need to pay a fine for the same?
no amount of fine will deter people from breaking the rules if they don't care about the rules in the first place. i routinely come across chimps driving with headlights on in broad daylight. some feel like they're in a race and drive at extremely high speeds. some stunt guys even try overtaking heavy container trucks on the highway.

the mindset of the chimps has to change first. when they understand that they're creating a nuisance to everyone on the road and stop it themselves, only then such thoughtless acts will stop.
Indian Government has decided to increase the fine for violating traffic rules.

> Rs.500 fine for not wearing seat-belt, or helmet or jumping red-signal

> Upto Rs.5000 fine for Drunken driving

>Rs. 1000 penalty for speed, which may increase till Rs.5000 for repeating act

>Rs. 500 for talking on cellphone, which may increase till Rs.5000 for repeating act

I think this move will allow the traffic-walla to extort more and more money from innocent people.

I think instead of posing fines, they should be asked to do social works , what's you take

I think mandatory jail term would be better. Over a period of last one month, I have had about 13 incidents where a bike, car, truck or bus hit the auto I am traveling in and every one of them was because of rash driving and sheer negligence on the part of the driver in the other vehicle. Here in Hyd, people don't care about traffic police. Heck, they jump traffic signals right in front of the police man and they don't care whoever comes in the way.. I have personally seen an IT professional slap a police man when he was stopped from jumping a signal.
jailterm is a bit extreme.i think there should be a limit like 3 offences can cause a jailterm of say 1 day.

i think increasing fines will only bear any fruit if the surveillance is good.most of the stations i see a sole traffic police officer and say a guy speeds with his r15,there is hardly any chance that the traffic officer will catch him.
First of all, all the state/ut police dept should create an FB page where people can upload the pics of policeman driving bikes w.o helmets and while wearing 'chappals'

Unless we get more educated cops manning the roads, the very idea of thinking that these paan spitting freeloaders will do their duty properly is expecting a lot.
^ punishment has to be extreme! Why are you sympathteic!

thats the whole point., it should pinch!

i aint sympathetic.

but jailterm for a 1 time offence.i mean Jailterm? that's a black mark on your life and something which is very's easy to say but going to jail is absolutely rock bottom.

i personally feel mumbai police as per my experience are doing a good job.they have decreased the traffic violations by around 12% this year and that is good progress given that the no. of cars and population will obviously keep on increasing.
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