Get Well Soon Funky!!

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Hi people.

Adi ( aka funky no 2 ) brought my laptop here today so i could be online. I guess Bikey got in touch with him yesterday or day before.

I had undergone a surgery a while ago and what thought to be complete recovery was indeed just a time bomb waiting to burst.

There were lots of kids in my home for 2 weddings and one 4 year old jumped onto my back when i was laying flat on my stomach and all i felt was sharp pain and I thought it will go away.

Was admitted to hospital wednesday night when the pain didnt go away and instead spread to whole back and left leg and had lost basic coordination and ability to even sit down properly. Docs took CT and MRI revealing internal bleed which was fixed by immediate surgery.

I am transfered to my dad's nursing home today evening as I was stable enough to be transfered and better care can be taken here by my family and dad.

Hoping to go home in day or two. As of now Adi (Funky no 2) is staying here to help for few days and if you call on my cell mostly he will be answering as he is still not giving me my cell phone back :@

But for now i have some net access from lappie but i cannot sit for too long so it will be limited.

Thanks for all your wishes. Just logged in to tell ya all I am ok for now. This all happened suddenly on wednesday and totally unplanned.

Catch ya all later.

Funky said:
Hi people.
Adi ( aka funky no 2 ) brought my laptop here today so i could be online. I guess Bikey got in touch with him yesterday or day before.

I had undergone a surgery a while ago and what thought to be complete recovery was indeed just a time bomb waiting to burst.
There were lots of kids in my home for 2 weddings and one 4 year old jumped onto my back when i was laying flat on my stomach and all i felt was sharp pain and I thought it will go away.
Was admitted to hospital wednesday night when the pain didnt go away and instead spread to whole back and left leg and had lost basic coordination and ability to even sit down properly. Docs took CT and MRI revealing internal bleed which was fixed by immediate surgery.

I am transfered to my dad's nursing home today evening as I was stable enough to be transfered and better care can be taken here by my family and dad.

Hoping to go home in day or two. As of now Adi (Funky no 2) is staying here to help for few days and if you call on my cell mostly he will be answering as he is still not giving me my cell phone back :@

But for now i have some net access from lappie but i cannot sit for too long so it will be limited.

Thanks for all your wishes. Just logged in to tell ya all I am ok for now. This all happened suddenly on wednesday and totally unplanned.

Catch ya all later.

:clap: :hap2:

I owe 'No.2' a treat.:thumb:
No lappy or cell or anything for you for sometime imho:@- just REST.:P

This time you better not start jumping around for sometime for your own good.:)
whew! that was scary!

its really nice to hear you are fine now. take a lot of rest and get well soon. :)

waiting for you to fully recover! :)

very nice job Adi! take very good care of Funky! :hap2:

and dont give him his cell phone back till he gets all fine! :P

if he insists take away the lappie too. :P
nice knowing you are feeling better dude. :hap2:

dont exert yourself, the pc wont run away without you, i'm sure. :ohyeah:

wishing you the best towards a speedy recovery !!:ohyeah:
:) Get well soon yar. Your story was scary, so be careful about your health dude. Just take rest, indulge in some easy passtimes. Take care and be back soon.:hap2:
Nice to hear from ya.. Do not strain yourself take rest:) Leave those gadgets for now :P Hope to see yu back in action soon ;) Take care :D
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