getting a tattoo

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Eagle signifies American freedom :P

I also don't like the tattoo looks too amateurish, u might wanna show some expert, he may suggest improvements..

Besides, if u stop working out, the eagle may turn into a pigeon or something!
finally got hold of a good tattoo artist(thankyou Gowt1ham) but hes on break till feb end...also his work is amazing check out Ritopriyo on orkut...have mailed him the design and have asked his for time being i am not getting any tattoo :(
Wow .. so ppl still keep saying that tatoo is for life and +1z follow ..

Seems like all the updates ppl care for are either on the service packs or the virus database mostly here.
A simple Google search regarding Tatoo removal would have helped before hitting the "I Agree/Confirm" sentiment eh ?

Let me google that for you

But whatever u do Rishabh.. do think abt it properly.
The process of getting and removal both are not ur reg run of the mill jobs. Just 2 cents from my side.
Spacescreamer said:
Wow .. so ppl still keep saying that tatoo is for life and +1z follow ..

Yes sir you are very much correct that Tattoo can be removed but complete removal is laser surgery and that would cost more than the tattoo itself :P
^^ Buddy Boi Roxtin, Simple point being that u can remove ur tatoo.
Expensive Procedure or not :)

Half an info is dangerous in itself.. approvals and endorsements on those can be a tad bit more harmful for the uninitiated.
Thats what did baffled me.
I really liked this one.. thinkin of gettin it done asap.. :P :P

blr_p said:
I think its certainly better than the one you started with. Very detailed.

Congrats :)

thanks mate...took more than 3 hrs when it was done in a hurry (had a office party tonight) also it was done at Pradeep Manon's Dark Art Studio and the pain was not that much as i expected all in all a good experience :)
blr_p said:
Well, i think he'll find out soon about that anyway.

All in good fun :lol:

I don't sense a lot of confidence in the OP's choice of tat nor in its location.

I suggested a lady friend as they tend to have a better eye for balance and such and qualified it by saying artisitically minded. In the end guy or girl does not matter but rather the eye.

Maybe the question to be asked of the OP, is what kind of message do you want to give off ?

you asked A LADY FRIEND as THEY HAVE BETTER EYE .............. ???????

actually it is just her eye for balance etc, no offense buddy

& as far as the impress thing is concerned, i think i have other 100's of ways as just a tattoo is not gonna help. its just gonna stay where it is.
Any suggestion where I can get a tattoo done (properly) in mumbai????

I have been contemplating to get one done but then i went to one place in powai when my friend was getting one and he totally ruined it... So please suggest places where you people have tried and preferably in proper mumbai suburbs

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