Getting less than half speed on secondary router, is this expected?

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How does it matter? How is LAN to LAN superior to LAN to WAN with iBall in AP mode?

Genuinely want to understand the pros and cons of both.
because unless you have a very specific reason to do so, you would want all devices on your LAN to be on a single LAN.
Which is why all APs in a home network are always wired on their LAN ports.
WAN to LAN is another layer of NAT, which in a home network should be left with your primary router only ..
Devices on one side of the 2nd NAT can't see or talk to devices on the other side .. so There are really no pros to using it this way unless you want to do it for a specific scenario.

now iball may internally switch its wan port to a LAN port when you set it to AP mode (some devices do it for ease of usage .. you can validate in the manual), but then you are effectively connecting it LAN to LAN only even if you are physically using the port marked as wan on said router operating in AP mode
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