GFX Designer Help jee, if you are free :)

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ok make one, instead of 1000+ 16GB USB drive, take any shoe under 3000 :p

now, where are my shoes? :p
@max_demon , bro please take care, i am not going to make banner, it will be used for glow-sign board.

So contrasting colors and bold font, will make the name visible from distant, and this format is currently being used and is too much dull barely visible :(

also can anyone tell me how much this type of board does cost, i am unable to find like these in my locality :(

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This is just a preview,not the full sized version
No colors used as of now(B/W),lemme know if you have any preference regarding the colors

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regarding color, use dark contrasting colors

blue > white , yellow black and so on..

also do soon, one guy is about to win the contest soon :hungry:

BSB by pixelpardise, on Flickr

BSB2 by pixelpardise, on Flickr Only to give you a rough idea. You can drop me a PM if you want to discuss further and personalize it according to your requirements with more details. Contrasting color themes chosen and left out textures or designer backgrounds because you will be using it in backlight mode anyway. :)
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