GGPA Unveiled!!!

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GGPA -> Gaming Graphics Performance Analysis

Graphics: 15

Sound& Music: 10

Gameplay: 15

Storyline: 10

Learning Curve: 10

Replayability: 10

Ease: 10

System Requirements: 10

Overall: 10

Total: 100

GGPA: Total/10

10: Perfect

9: Excellent

8: Good

7: Average

6: Below Average/Base Score

7.5+: Worth Buying

8.5+: Game of the Year Nominee

9.0+: Game of the Year

Please rate as many games as you can. :hap2:

Graphics: 13

Sound& Music: 8

Gameplay: 14

Storyline: 8

Learning Curve: 9

Replayability: 9

Ease: 8

System Requirements: 10

Overall: 9

Total: 88

GGPA: 8.8

Age of Empires 3

Graphics: 12

Sound& Music: 9

Gameplay: 14

Storyline: 9

Learning Curve: 10

Replayability: 9

Ease: 7

System Requirements: 10

Overall: 9

Total: 89

GGPA: 8.9


Graphics: 15

Sound& Music: 7

Gameplay: 11

Storyline: 9

Learning Curve: 9

Replayability: 7

Ease: 6

System Requirements: 6

Overall: 7

Total: 77

GGPA: 7.7

Need For Speed Undercover

Graphics: 14

Sound& Music: 8

Gameplay: 12

Storyline: 8

Learning Curve: 8

Replayability: 8

Ease: 7

System Requirements: 8

Overall: 8

Total: 81

GGPA: 8.1

Need For Speed Most Wanted

Graphics: 11

Sound& Music: 9

Gameplay: 14

Storyline: 9

Learning Curve: 9

Replayability: 9

Ease: 8

System Requirements: 10

Overall: 9

Total: 87

GGPA: 8.7
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