PC Peripherals Ghost in the machine.


Hi, I'm back. with more problems :D

The other day, my new rig wouldn't start windows. :S DJ had told me to put in a old HDD before O/Cing, but I was too lazy to listen :( Anyways, better late than never! :p
So, I took the 80gig out from my old rig, and put the 160gig in its place. The 80gig went into new rig, and the 250gig SATA, I disconnected.
Copied XP onto the cd-rw, so I could install on both machines simultaneosly. ( :ashamed: thats piracy). Started setup on new rig. Luckily, didnt need to do so for the old PC, as I'd been using the 160gig on it before.

Then, as could be expected, setup couldn't continue on my new rig. :huh: Got a BSOD after the first restart. I checked the error ( stop 0x24). Something to do with ntfs. :S Then I cleared cmos ( have to remove gfx card for that :mad: ), and tried again. Same problem. Then, I tried connecting the sata - and it worked!! Ran superPi, and a few minutes of Prime, all seemed to be working. :clap:
So, I fired up CoD2. The game started, got to the menu, and my PC crashed.


Hmmm, on further investigation, I found that my PC hadn't crashed, just the monitor had gone blank. :O Gfx card problem! :O So I took out my dmm, and checked the 12V rail. - 0V.

:O WTF? :O

:ashamed: The dmm wire was loose :p . 12.22V. hehehe. Started CoD2 again. Got to the menu, selected "resume game", and the screen went blank again. :( And after a few seconds, it came back, with a dailog box saying " VPU recover is the ruler of the Universe!"

No, it didn't say that, but it was something about vpu recover. And the rez had gone down to 640*480 :( So, i restarted again. And got another BSOD. Great. And then, my net connection went down. Excellent. Triband Night Unlimited. Unlimited downtime at nights. :hap2:

So, I followed the advice some great man had given once. " When in doubt, go to sleep".

Today morning, my old PC refused to start. Said that a number of windows files were missing.
ToI: Sir, who do you think is responsible?

Zhopudey the Great: We can't confirm at the moment, but we suspect foreign intervention, alien invasions, and Supernatural activities.
Hmm well have you updated the chipset drivers ?
I guess you have a SATA II drive for your OS.I would suggest using the latest drivers.
Also i would suggest removing all the extra stuff and using,mobo+cpu+grafix card+ram+psu+hdd+odd and do a clean install.

Install drivers and then see what happens.
I would specifically mention NOT to OC it and test for stability at stock speeds.Try to sort out the problem first,then play around.

Just my 2 cents.
zhopudey said:
It came back, with a dailog box saying "VPU recover is the ruler of the Universe!"

No, it didn't say that, but it was something about vpu recover.

haha that line had me in splits, seriously! I like your sense of humour :)

Er on a similar note, my X850's been crashing incessantly with the noble VPU Recover living up to its reputation. So I opened up my system (after more than a month I think), removed dust roughly the size of Mumbai city, and closed it again. Everything's fine now.
Chipset drivers? You mean the nForce drivers? I have 6.67

My sata2 drive is still running at sata1, cause I dont have a floppy to run the hitachi utility.

Only extra stuff is the sound card. Thats all.

All this crap happened at default speeds. And I had been playing around for almost a month, before this crap started.

I'm taking my PC to DJ's next week. He'll exorcise the devil out of my rig.
My sata2 drive is still running at sata1, cause I dont have a floppy to run the hitachi utility. ----> Once you install latest drivers, you can enable SATA II mode by going to device manager and going to IDE controllers properties.
Pls remember that you need to install the Nvidia IDE driver for SATA II to work.

Donno if its correct but i think the grafix card seems to be the culprit.

I would recommend switching off the VPU recover thingy,used to turn it off when i had an ATI card,never experienced any problems.
Seems Aliens have invaded your PC :bleh:

1)you can try Windows Repair (Frm Setup) and see , may be that can put back files that aliens deleted.
2)Try some live cd of linux or windows(BartPE) and see if same problem exists
3)ummm, try to contact aliens :p
ToI: Sir, who do you think is responsible?

Zhopudey the Great: We can't confirm at the moment, but we suspect foreign intervention, alien invasions, and Supernatural activities.

LOL :rofl:

The way you keep your sense of humor afloat even when courting disaster is praiseworthy

"MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU... Use The Force, Zhops.

and drive out the crazy aliens"
"The motorcycle-riding luchadores known as “Los Jaguares” defeat an alien invasion, who intend to use Earth’s resources to make fake diamonds"

And thanks to these brave luchadores, my pata HDD is back from the dead :D. But its c:\ is screwed though. :( Well, the luchadores tried their best.