CPU/Mobo Gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked Phenom II X2 555BE

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gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE to quadcore :hap2:
did a torture test for 8 hrs with prime 95 with 100% success rate

will add cpuz pic later

there is a problem as well this board comes with only 1 ps2 connector and i tried usb to 2 ps2 connector but its not working
at the moment i am using virtual K/B to type

secondly how to connect a fan to it there is only 1 cpu fan socket

plzz help guys
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

^.. Every mobo has only one CPU fan header but usually 1-2 fan headers.. They should be marked as SYS Fan headers in user manual & on mobo. look carefully...

Also try another USB to 2 PS2 converter & see if it works. These are usually Chinese so quality is always questionable..Use onboard USB 2.0 ports only. otherwise you can get single USB to PS2 port connector (earlier Logitech use to give those)..
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

wats the batch number of the proccy????
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

Congrats dude, i will be trying unlocking my 555BE using my DFI BI785G-M35, wish me luck ;)
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

HailStonE said:
^.. Every mobo has only one CPU fan header but usually 1-2 fan headers.. They should be marked as SYS Fan headers in user manual & on mobo. look carefully...

Also try another USB to 2 PS2 converter & see if it works. These are usually Chinese so quality is always questionable..Use onboard USB 2.0 ports only. otherwise you can get single USB to PS2 port connector (earlier Logitech use to give those)..
thanks for the reply friend .... finally bought a usb mouse and now its working well:hap2:

impulse1992 said:
wats the batch number of the proccy????
sorry bhai for the late reply but my proccy is fixed now and i am a noob in hardware so wont take a risk to open it .... tell me if its present on a box then i can post it

del_x said:
Congrats dude, i will be trying unlocking my 555BE using my DFI BI785G-M35, wish me luck ;)

hope its as easy as mine

i have to select in BIOS 'CPU selection' to 'manual' otherwise every time i restart, it only get 2 cores
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

I dont know watz wrong but after unlocking successfully .. i am getting this problem :(

My PC is ON 24x7. I think aftr 20-22 hours of working my PC restarts with the blue screen. Then i restart my PC .. and while windows loading it gets stuck sometimes or restarts with blue screen and then it works fine.

This error message i am getting



is it because i keep my PC ON for a long time .... I checked CPU tempreture ..

they are normal. watz the problem ??? :S
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

Hmmm... well tell me the exact settings for ur CPU.

I mean Vcore...

and also, did u install any software recently that cud hav caused this???
Re: gigabyte GA-785GMT-USB3 sucessfully unlocked phenome 2 X2 555BE

^ i dont think so any s/w causing this ..

check out this


sumtimes i get this error

Looks like Ur AMD cool & quiet mode is switched ON, thats why your current processor speed is low.I got the same combo and here is a screenshot of my AMD overdrive utility.

@Nikunj: i thought AMD cool & Quite mode is good. Because of that i am getting error ??

@kartikoli: i ran test for a long time i.e for 4-5 hours. 100% success rate.

@haraakiri : you are talking about which s/w ??

Also i checked with my mobo's bios. There is no option called AMD cool & quiet mode. I have gigabyte GA-785GMT-UD2H mobo

watz the problem guys ?? :(

also when i work on PC i.e surf or download or watch movies or play games .. PC doesnt restart.

But when i keep something on downloading while sleeping and check in the morning .. i get this blue screen error ...

any one knows the cause ???

Also how to get full procy speed all the time ??
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