CPU/Mobo Gigabyte GA-K8NXP-SLI Review

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Yeah Chaos had got that running with 4 GB RAM, but Darky apart from SLI wont an NF4 ultra chipset OC better ?
Heard from Deejay he is getting a Chaintech Nf4 ultra ;)
yep. Basically both are same chipset with minor changes on the resistors on the chip. Its even modable from th initial news.
And by the way, hardocp guys had a talk with the Gigabyte CEO and he stated that there are some bios limitations in current version of bios which prevent users from overclocking over 230HTT. The new bios will be released soon to solve this issue.
ANd from the past, Gigabyte is known to deliver what they promise. Atleast their reputation in this department is better than ASUS.
Aces170 said:
Heard from Deejay he is getting a Chaintech Nf4 ultra

Darklord said:
I dont see why the Nforce 4 Ultra shud OC better compared to Nforce 4 SLI chipset.

I cannot even afford 1 decent graphic card, so what will i do with SLI :huh: ??? (i am still using my 9600 pro, and am happy with it. since i "can" play most of the games at speeds to my liking.:P )
It is all a question of economics:( :ashamed: and self-restrain:D
The ultra board costs less than half of the sli ones with equal performance.
Anyways, i think this sli thing is just a passing fad."Dual core" is gonna be the new mantra.
ps: i wonder what the performance will be if you put 2 dual core gfx card in SLI mode ???
had read it smewhr tht cant be possible cuz dual core smethng blah blah blah.....wil post the site here whn i get it
What we have is dual GPU graphic cards like gigabyte 3D1. It uses two chips on 1 graphic cards. But those two cores are running in SLI modes with each having control over 8 lines of PCI-Express X16 bus. So its aint possible to run such two cards in SLI when they are already running in SLI.
The info can be found in guru3d news archieve and also on Nvnews.
@ funkymonkey,
i am not talking about that dual gpu card. (although even that is an interesting thought) i meant dual "core". two cores in the same chip.
Hey guys , i wud like 2 add tht since gigabyte 3d1 is a dual gpu card which ONLY :ashamed: runs on gigabyte sli board(which they affer as a combo)....why wud ny1 buy tht if they cant ugrade it later :S ....i mean if the same 2 cards cant be run on this board why buy tht combo???
and yup thts rite...the 3d1 uses sli interface so two 3d1's is not possible.
hey thts my point??? then why buy tht damn things
I know what you ment deejay, thats why i said that what we have here is dualGPU.
I havent even seen an announcement from either NVIDIA or ATI on dual core GPU yet. ANd its unlikely unless they move to 65nm fab as there wont be enough space to fit 2 cores as of now on 90nm fab. These GPUs carry much more transistor count than desktop CPUs. So more real estate is needed. Look at the GPU of 6800s. its soo huge.
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