CPU/Mobo Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-US2H side fan connection

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I am confused regarding connecting cooler master 120mm led side fan in my elite 310 cabby on the Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-US2H mobo.
there is one 3-pin connector for nb-fan. can I connect it there or should i power it directly from psu?
if the 3 pin connector on the M/B is free then you can connect otherwise connect it directly to the PSU.

the only diff. bet. them is that you can adjust the speed of the fan with 3-pin connection but with the PSU fan runs at full speed all the times.
naveen58 said:
if the 3 pin connector on the M/B is free then you can connect otherwise connect it directly to the PSU.
the only diff. bet. them is that you can adjust the speed of the fan with 3-pin connection but with the PSU fan runs at full speed all the times.

The manual of motherboard says 3-pin connector is for north bridge fan. Is it safe to connect LED case fan to it?
yes it is absolutely safe to connect the only thing that will happen is the mobo will increase the speed of the fan if the nb heats up thinking that the fan is placed on the nb..:)
Unless you need speed regulation, try to keep fans - especially fancy LED fans - off the motherboard headers. The headers are usually designed for smaller fans and have a limit on the amount of current they can supply, and larger case fans can quickly over-run those limits.

Of course if the fan only has a 3-pin connector, then its easier to plug it into a motherboard header. Also, see if there's another header on the MB that you can plug it into instead of the NB header.
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