GMail POP access - Download mail from other accounts directly to your GMail inbox.

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Molar Police
Staff member
Searched this forum and found that this useful feature has not been highlighted anywhere.

GMail has introduced a feature (don't know since when) using which you can directly download all your mails from other accounts to your GMail inbox. :hap2: Basically, you won't need to access your other accounts at all. Set up this feature in GMail and log in only to GMail to read all your mails.

Do this the following way:

1. Log in to your GMail account and click settings.

2. Click on the Accounts tab in the settings page.

3. Click on Add a mail account you own.

4. Follow the rest of the onscreen instructions. :hap2:

Now you'll be able to access all your emails in one GMail account.

P.S: You need to enable POP access in your other mails.

P.P.S: You can add only 5 other accounts as of now.

P.P.P.S: You can create labels for each of these accounts so that you'll be able to identify easily where the mail was originally intended to.

P.P.P.P.S: You can use any of these mails as you originating email address. Meaning, you can compose a mail in GMail, but use your yahoo id as the From address so that the recepient thinks that this mail originated from your yahoo id.

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