Linux GNOME 2.24 Released

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GNOME 2.24 is the latest version of the GNOME Desktop: a popular, multi-platform desktop environment for your computer. GNOME's focus is ease of use, stability, and first class internationalisation and accessibility support. GNOME is Free and Open Source Software and provides all of the common tools computer users expect of a modern computing environment, such as e-mail, groupware, web browsing, file management, multimedia and games. Furthermore, GNOME provides a flexible and powerful platform for software developers, both on the desktop and in mobile applications.

GNOME 2.24 Release Notes

GNOME 2.24 is the latest version of the GNOME Desktop: a popular, multi-platform desktop environment for your computer. GNOME's focus is ease of use, stability, and first class internationalisation and accessibility support. GNOME is Free and Open Source Software and provides all of the common tools computer users expect of a modern computing environment, such as e-mail, groupware, web browsing, file management, multimedia and games.

Gnome 2.24 includes plethora of updates and new features . Lets take a quick look : -

Empathy : GNOME 2.24 announces the inclusion of an instant messaging client based off the Telepathy communications framework.Empathy also supports XMPP/SIP audio and video conferencing as available on the Nokia N800/N810 devices (video requires H.263 codecs for GStreamer to be installed). Empathy is a great companion to Ekiga,.

Better Time Tracking : The panel shows you what task you've been working on and for how long. Clicking on the button allows you to change activity and see what activities you've been working on today. If you like, the timer can stop when your computer goes idle.


Ekiga 3.0 : - Ekiga is a fully-featured SIP audio/video conferencing client for GNOME. As part of GNOME 2.24 we're proud to announce the release of Ekiga 3.0.

Enhanced File Management : -
As well as icon and list views, GNOME 2.24 now offers the compact list view, popular in several other desktop environments. Choose the view by selecting View â–¸ Compact from the menu (or keyboard shortcut Control+3).


Tabbed Navigation : The browser mode of the file manager now supports tabs for rapidly switching between directories within a single browser window.


Apart from these major changes : Gnome 2.24 adds the following features : 0-
  1. Added Functionality to Deskbar
  2. Better Screen Resolution Control Panel
  3. New Sound Theme System
  4. Better Digital TV
  5. New Theme and Artwork
  6. Better Keyboard/Mouse & Screen Reading Integration
  7. Integration of Glib 2.18 and GTK 2.14


Download : GNOME Live
To ease the installation : You can use upcoming Linux Distribution as Mandriva 2009.0 , Ubuntu 8.10, Fedora 10, and OpenSuSE 11.1 or Sabayon 4.0.
I am already using empathy VOIP client(latest) in Debian Sid and ubuntu for gtalk also works :)

you can get latest empathy from here(add to /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoclean ):


deb [url][/url] hardy main

deb-src [url][/url] hardy main
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