GO: Cooler Master 110CFM Blue LED Clear fan [120mm] with Fan-Controller @Rs.385 Only!

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^^ Better Prices now.. GJ..! :)
So the people who've ordered the first 75 will get it right..
And if kmd sends more you can always create another thread.. :hap2:
sickizblank said:
^^ Better Prices now.. GJ..! :)
So the people who've ordered the first 75 will get it right..
And if kmd sends more you can always create another thread.. :hap2:

Sends more? I don't think that's how it works with KMD. When the fans come, KMD will post here or PM the original list, and then we gotta xfer the cash to KMD's account. Only part sato has to play here is organizing it. I'm pretty sure KMD's not going to be sending all the fans to sato. I for one, wouldn't be too happy if it was sent to sato(or anybody else for that matter) and he was handling all the logistics of shipping etc of so many fans.

No offence sato, nothing against you, just that KMD has a rep and I've seen his shipping and that's why I ordered so easily.
^^ No offense , but i did not understand the part , you wouldn't be happy if all the fans were sent to sato? What's wrong with that? He has ordered them all and of course he is supposed to get all and ship it to people who are supposed to get it. Doesn't it go that way?
^^ No, the thread creator has the liberty to maintain the list. KMD will refer the list and ship the fans to respective buyers
oBvious, here KMD has responsibility of shipping the stuff n taking payment,,,, i only threw light on the product n made work easy for kmd
^^ So we need to give details about us as well as the shipping details + the list made by you which shows how many fans are we supposed to get , to KMD. Correct?
No. sickizblank, you should ask if you don't know. Don't assume things and pretending like its the fact. Very simple, follow old threads where KMD IC have happened. eg. the PiBlacks. List is started, everyone confirms, KMD is PMed, KMD confirms. After the items arrive, KMD PMs everyone on the list with the details of the payment, and updates the thread saying the items have arrived. Once payments are made individually, items are shipped. This works out great, because if people default on the payment sato/whoever don't suffer, where as KMD can always just sell it to someone else.

Again, this is not 100%, but its how I've seen old threads go down.
Myth_Pharoah said:
No. sickizblank, you should ask if you don't know. Don't assume things and pretending like its the fact. Very simple, follow old threads where KMD IC have happened. eg. the PiBlacks. List is started, everyone confirms, KMD is PMed, KMD confirms. After the items arrive, KMD PMs everyone on the list with the details of the payment, and updates the thread saying the items have arrived. Once payments are made individually, items are shipped. This works out great, because if people default on the payment sato/whoever don't suffer, where as KMD can always just sell it to someone else.

Again, this is not 100%, but its how I've seen old threads go down.
Ah , it's going to be real hard this time lol. 35 odd people. :P
^ don't worry, KMD has handeled such ICs in past...... if I remember correct, the GO for ABIT-IP35 Pro had around 30 odd member and each mobo costed 9 k approx
35... i'm guessing he must be shipping equal or more on a daily basis. Great quality too! I recently ordered kaje-jyuni and ac mx-2 from him, and I was fighiting with the package using a knife to open it. It was so well packed. Its nice to see people making an effort to give great service at good prices. Stuff like this will eventually make the Indian mentality more ready to spend for quality rather than go for the cheapest all the time.
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