Saiyan The L33t Admeen Galvanizer Jun 29, 2007 #61 Guyz!! Deadline to confirm and backout is by today night. I will not tolerate backing out later on, keep in mind that i am buying the mouse in advance.
Guyz!! Deadline to confirm and backout is by today night. I will not tolerate backing out later on, keep in mind that i am buying the mouse in advance.
V vijayshimla Discoverer Jun 29, 2007 #62 Confirmed 1 No MX-310 to me- I need to put Rs. 600 in your SBI account- can do it today.tomorrow- whenever U wish- pl. PM me.
Confirmed 1 No MX-310 to me- I need to put Rs. 600 in your SBI account- can do it today.tomorrow- whenever U wish- pl. PM me.
N nukeu666 Explorer Jun 29, 2007 #63 how about sending ll the mouses in mumbai to a single guy...itll save shipping cost i hope
V Vij Forerunner Jun 29, 2007 #64 hey Saiyan . Cancel 310...Iam in for MX 518..Confirmed.... Pm me account details...Iam in how much...
hey Saiyan . Cancel 310...Iam in for MX 518..Confirmed.... Pm me account details...Iam in how much...