GO: Western Digital WD5000AAKS 500GB!

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Guys have some patience.. Karan had gone outta station this weekend. I think he must b back today.. so he'll reply.. just chill :P

I think it's high time for the TS to reply now.

Some of the members, including me are really getting impatient.

Karan please do reply here or else I will have to opt out :(

Best Regards,
Within 1-2 day i might visit my local market and if get a deal which is 200 more than this than i too m backing out.....no reply whatsoever has been posted from long

edit::vivek ill let u know the prices......i heard somone posted that in delhi he was getting the drive for 5.1k...will check if can get at ard 5k here or not...i m searching new shops right now(taking names frm the sites).....
magnet ... i am in only if shipping is within monday lastest tuesday .. orless even if its costing me over 800 bucks more in the bargain , i ll go for one locally .... i absolutely cant wait .
okay today is 28th ill visit lamington(on 30th) and will let u know price of this guys.......wont buy on same day..just inquiring prices on that day...as i want to buy printer and ups
I tried talking to some people I know at SP Road. I was given an initial quote of 5.6k including VAT.

After I told them the best offer I have recieved is 4.8k, they are scramming to find me the best rates. I should hear from them tomorrow morning. Will keep you updated.

Karan... I don't know if you normally pull rabits out of your hat, but that is one hell of a pricing you've offered everybody here.

Same thing happenned with me, when I told my dealer about Rs.4.8k price offered for the WD5000AAKS 500GB.

I agree the price is no where to be found, but it's too long now for me as I need the HDD's urgently.

So me to will confirm with my dealer tomorrow for the BEST price he can offer if I pickup 20 HDD's together (FOR ALL OF US) .

Best Regards,

OK, Now Karan has replied yesterday in a similar GO thread in some other forum.

So Karan please do update this GO thread also today, once you finalize everything with Sabir.

Your reply will really HELP us decide as we need the HDD's urgently.

Looking forward for your reply.

Best Regards,
Is this a joke??? Where is Karan? I'm in no hurry, but not responding to all these queries makes me think Karan is a lot worse in customer service than alu bechene walas!!
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^ Watch the language, there! For all i know, Karan aint a dealer. He's trying his best so that peeps like you could get a good deal. he is no way bound by any 'Customer Service' commitments for you or any other member.

His last login here is on 25th Aug. May be he's away. Wait up, b4 turning this thread into a flaming session.
^^ Masky to the rescue :P

Yes my friend Karan aint a dealer....

But with such a Juicy treat...

I am sure everone is looking for just one man to come online n tats our man Kidoman :P

People here are just getting a tat to restless.......

Come to think of I told about this deal to my dealer....

He has offered me Seagates at the same price....

But he has only 2 Piece to offer........

I didnt ask if he could get more.........


Kidoman looking forward to ur post :D

Cheers to you for brining in such a sweeet deal!!!
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