god of war 2 480p unlock code

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well those who were struggling over the island of rhodes thingyyy

heres the reward

On the secret 'Island of Rhodes' website revealed in God of War 2, fans were rewarded with commentary videos from the game's Director. One thing that was overlooked on the website previously, was that upon digging deeper there was a hidden code which would allow you to unlock a higher-resolution mode for the game (480p to be precise), allowing it to look much sharper on HDTVs. The code is as follows:

L1 + L2 + L3 + Square + Circle

wonder if itll work on our indian copies :P

code thanks to :Tech2.com India > God of War 2 Secret Site Unfolds HD Mode > News on PS2
That is stupid! Why work over a feature that will only been known to those who paid special attention to a particular video in a website website released moths after the game's release. Well, at least it's known across the internets now.
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