Going offline

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Just keep yourself busy with some or the other things and I can bet you won't miss computer. Intially it will be bit tough then you will get used to it, been there done that. ;)
But what's the point? If it's something you like to do then that alone makes it worthwhile.
Screw conventional notons of what is considered a 'social life'.

And if one really wants to get away, then they won't even need to make a conscious effort.
it wont do too good , been there done that , it will make u feel good and gaga , and once u have done it , u will start again with same old good things , THINKING that u can control it as and when needed and hence u would be more stuck......i myself am a victim of the same....like i said , been there done that......what u need to do is leave no room for time......here is how u go about it....( thats wat i did )

i thought and thought and joted down the points.....i 1st thought had i not wasted so much time doing this i would have done , a, b, c, d, e, f ....etc etc......

from the points u get sort out the stuff u can possibly do....for eg, i always wanted to learn karate , but now the age factor takes over and i cant start over with that , so that option is a drop.....too late to begin......

take a note of all the stuff.....go on and "DO" it......Join gym.....seriously keeps your mind fresh and body tired....once the soreness gets in you really dont wanna sit in front of the PC all you can see is see the bed.......

if u stop just coming online , u would sit in front of the tv like a log or do something else just , thinking , LOOK , i can stay without the PC !......when actually u'll just end up wasting time.........:) or rather u would sit in front of the comp just thinking see i aint going online ,but yet there is no productive usuage of time!.....

get back to old hobbies , play some sport , go cycling , gym and have a fixed schedule of the time you would allocate to the PC. and i totally understand when u say "its turning people around you mad" , dont react to that cause that will cause them to react more :) .....sooner or later when u have total control u would realise.
So here is my schedule sort of

9 hrs - office
2 hrs - Travelling
5-6 Hrs - Sleep
Balance + Weekend time = Computers ( Seriously )

There is nothing else getting done. If i have to pay a bill, or book tickets or whatever sh*t gets done on the internet. Groceries you say, Just call the store walla who live down near the building and he gets it for you.

I even got myself a excersice bycicle so that I can put some menial time in health, but that started out well, but I had to go to the USA on business for 3 weeks and It all went for a toss + back home I am a night owl ( work evening shifts to early nights like around 3 am )

Not good.
SharekhaN said:
So here is my schedule sort of

9 hrs - office
2 hrs - Travelling
5-6 Hrs - Sleep
Balance + Weekend time = Computers ( Seriously )

There is nothing else getting done. If i have to pay a bill, or book tickets or whatever sh*t gets done on the internet. Groceries you say, Just call the store walla who live down near the building and he gets it for you.

I even got myself a excersice bycicle so that I can put some menial time in health, but that started out well, but I had to go to the USA on business for 3 weeks and It all went for a toss + back home I am a night owl ( work evening shifts to early nights like around 3 am )

Not good.

switch to manual mode for : bill / book tickets / grocery. Go to the markets and do the bhaji shopping and other house hold stuff......

Join a gym seriously....have the equipment and cycle and all at home is no good......

that should be good for a start.
Well, Lets see how it goes. I am disconnecting my PC when I go home in the morn.

I will leave my daily updates on this thread from work and conclusions by the end of the week long experiment.
I haven't tried giving up on computers completely, rather have cut down consciously. I am at home right now, with no college to attend (full time project :P) and you can guess that leaves a majority of time for computers. Here is what I do:

1. Read lots of books. I had a very poor reading habit before, but now I make it a point to read books for at least 2 hours. I read everything from science books to novels to comics.

2. Go out for a walk everyday. I make sure I step out in the evening for a bit of shopping or just looking around at civilization.

3. Don't use the computer after 10 at night. I know this isn't possible for many, but works like a charm for me. I just sit and relax for about half an hour before bed time, and it makes you sleep better.

4. Do something new everyday! It might be a very small thing like going to a new place, or solving a puzzle that you've never attempted before. It make me look forward to the next day.

Some of them might look silly, but once you start enjoying it, you will begin to cut down on computer addiction and spend more useful time in life.
SharekhaN said:
So here is my schedule sort of

9 hrs - office

2 hrs - Travelling

5-6 Hrs - Sleep

Balance + Weekend time = Computers ( Seriously )

Not good.

One requires a minimum amount of 6 hrs uninterrupted sleep, you have 7 hrs of spare time, you sleep for 7 hrs, it'll really make you feel good. 1 hour you can workout in gym and remaining time you can use your comp. Slowly you can reduce the latter part.
get rid of the net

the comp itself doesnt suck too much time out of a day

if i had net at home, i believe i would be in the same position you are in :P
SharekhaN said:
So here is my schedule sort of

9 hrs - office
2 hrs - Travelling
5-6 Hrs - Sleep
Balance + Weekend time = Computers ( Seriously )

There is nothing else getting done. If i have to pay a bill, or book tickets or whatever sh*t gets done on the internet. Groceries you say, Just call the store walla who live down near the building and he gets it for you.

I even got myself a excersice bycicle so that I can put some menial time in health, but that started out well, but I had to go to the USA on business for 3 weeks and It all went for a toss + back home I am a night owl ( work evening shifts to early nights like around 3 am )

Not good.
my daily schedule is almost similar but i guess difference is in usage of balance time :P
on weekdays
9 hrs - office
2 hrs - Travelling
1hr cooking /eating out
1.5hr on phone GF/friends/mom
1.5hr Forums(GI/TE/E)
3hrs gaming/movies/music
6 Hrs - Sleep
on weekend it varies ..
sat- gaming/gf/hanging out with friends
sun-sleeping .. just slackoff /some movies or tv series

and i still feel i get less time on my comp .. :rofl: result of this is an evergrowing pauch.. :ashamed:

1st drop ur ul connection get some el cheapo 256k limited connects .. no dls= no wasting time on movies and games ..

2nd. Get some good books to read .. they are better investments of your time,

3rd Never priortize your comp time or try save some time for comp ..there are better things to do..

4th Cuttoff your time on social networking sites, use ur phone instead .

your dont need to go offline ..you just have to priortize ur life better and soon you will find out you dont have time for your computer.
Ok, the first day has been oficially FAIL.

My phone's display concked off, and I tried to take a backup on the PC. Ended up spending watching a movie on fast forward in like 30 mins and then spent two hours surfing Steam forums.

:( I hope today brings me better luck
Thats explains things, had you spent the majority of it then looking at a screen (any screen) when you got home is not so attractive.
john117 said:
4th Cuttoff your time on social networking sites, use ur phone instead .

flame me! but i find these sites lame! , i mean whatever happened to phone calls and messengers.......i've seen people 5-6 feet away from each other , they can freaking TALK or chat , but NO scrap scrap scrap!...lame it is...

sorry for the OT ! , couldnt resist make that point.... :|
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