Going to Bangalore for 2 months - survival tips?

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At long last some useful tools to FCUK with the autowallahs

Latlong (works for BLR, chennai & Hyderabad

enter where you want to go, make a note of the route and most importantly the distance. Then take an auto, does not matter whether its digital or not meter on that route, as you already know the distance, work out the fare from that. If there is a big difference you know what to do

It even offers an SMS service (90088 90088..easy enough to remember) with distance & fare worked out from distance using GPS.

Test this out and let us know how good latlong.in is in dealing with rogues.

To know how accurate latlong is, when you go by your daily route with a bike or car, note the odometer distance and compare with latlong.

Another one which is more into video than low bandwidth txt

Can't say about Bangalore or Hyderabad [I was always charged by the meter there], but good luck trying this in Chennai. Hands down the most notorious auto walahs in the country.
Was looking for feedback on the tools mentioned above.

How do they compare to other tools that show distance in bangalore.
At long last some useful tools to FCUK with the autowallahs

Latlong (works for BLR, chennai & Hyderabad

enter where you want to go, make a note of the route and most importantly the distance. Then take an auto, does not matter whether its digital or not meter on that route, as you already know the distance, work out the fare from that. If there is a big difference you know what to do

It even offers an SMS service (90088 90088..easy enough to remember) with distance & fare worked out from distance using GPS.

Test this out and let us know how good latlong.in is in dealing with rogues.

To know how accurate latlong is, when you go by your daily route with a bike or car, note the odometer distance and compare with latlong.

Another one which is more into video than low bandwidth txt


blr_p, i dont think you can FCUK Bangalore autopilots with such tools, they dont care about official pricing,meter usage, your calculations etc...
Then the question that remains to be answered is whether you are obligated to pay what the meter says even if they tricked it.

What is the legal position here ?

Just so its clear that is WITHOUT agreeing the fare before the trip. In this case you have to pay whatever was agreed to but i'm talking about the meter.

i've done this to ten guys so far, 9 guys kept their mouth shut, the tenth guy decided to follow me and demand i pay the full fare, his goal was to create a scene and piss me off, i just ignored him and went about my business. This bugger had the cheek to tell me he'd watch out for me, i then recited his name and home address off the registration and said i'd pay him a vist. The lame watchman of the bldg he complained to also told me to pay up i told him to escort the twat off the premises.

So i have already done it, my success rate is 90%. When they're fcuking guilty they keep quiet unless they are like the one outright crook i came across. Insisted i speak to him in hindi so he aint a local. Another guy refused the payment, i told him it was this or nothing, he said he did not want it, i walked off without paying the guy, what a bargain.

If you google around, all you find are woe stories nobody seems to resist or even talk about resisting. No strategy, no tactics, just dumb sheep. They are easy targets and this is why everybody gets fleeced. There was a website i saw where ppl are posting names & license numbers of auto drivers who cheated them, What the heck do they expect to come out of that !!
^^ Good to see that you are using strategies and tactics to fight back these autoguys, personally i dont care about autos in bangalore, my preference for local transport is as follows:

1. Bike( the fastest mode of transport in bangalore).

2. Meru cabs.

3. BMTC Volvo services.
just want to know from guyz belonging to Banglore, @ what time does night club and disc shutdown @ banglore....

and @what time does local market and malls shut down...
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