Outdated? That's the most effective solution at night.
Anyway, I'm not being able to concentrate on anything.
Anyway, I'm not being able to concentrate on anything.
I was actually searching for mosquito netting window (aluminum) fabrication in my area when this was one of the links!I'm simply spellbound by your Google skill!! Yes, we knew about it, but thought it to be pre internet era news.
Sadly those are possibly not available anymore.
When exactly are you going and how much in advance do you start packing?!That's a cool song...good idea... we're kind of tired and sleepy...the goddamn packings...never seem to end...we will be looking like walking talking North Face commercials...while going to Africa!!
Thanks mate. Deep inside I'm scared ( it's a very volatile place and basically anything can happen..but the team posted there is possibly the most dependable one WHO has, it's considered one of the most difficult posting in our line of work)Wow just a few days left then. All the best man.
It's funny, but was totally hooked to Take On Me and Winwood's Higher Love (which to my ears typifies the signature 80s synth sound like no other), not too long ago... @codelad thanks. You managed to get take on me (almost 3 days now) out of my head and Africa into it now. I think there's something seriously wrong with me lol. Btw i don't really listen to music these days. When i say a song is buzzing around in my head i literally mean that. Sometimes the quality is pretty hi-fi too!
Wish you had one for "... frightened of this thing that I've become." (shudder to hear it, every time).Also i hear it as 'i guess it rains down in...' and 'million men on Mars would ever...'
I mean, for continuing to steal attention in your thread. Anyhow, thank you for not minding!What diversion? I'm thankful to you for reminding of a great song.