Goku vs Superman!!!!!!(For DBZ fans only)


Found this pic on the net:-

both of them can fly,both of them are super strong and both of them can unleash energy blasts so any idea who will win????:huh: :huh: :huh:
anyways hows the pic???
Goku easily...lol he can easily destroy planets, he has no weakness really except if the enemy is stronger unlike superman who acts like a pansy when he comes anywhere close to kryptonite.

I mean, Raditz could easily catch bullets and is faster than the speed of light (to dodge Piccolos special beam cannon) when he had a puny power level of 1300.Superman can do that too but it just shows how much stronger a saiyan of Raditz level who is acutally pretty pathetic as compared to Nappa and Bardock is capable of let alone a super saiyan who has a power level of around 5 million...

btw, nice art work on that pic :p
My voted best answer from the site Zhopudey mentioned:

Sonic Duck 85 writes:

I'm not a fan of Dragonball Z personally, but I have respect for it. I realize the type of character that Goku is and I think that he's kind of cool. But my father brought me up right. He taught me three things in life:

1. "The greatest band of all time is The Beatles."

2. "All sports teams from New York City are bums."

3. "No one can beat Superman. Ever."

Since father knows best, I concluse that this looks like a job for Superman.

BEST ANSWER 3V4R!!11!!!one!!
Superman ofcourse.....he is a legend and he is pure and powerfull....no evil in him....does not need to practice or grow his powers...like goku :)
if u look @ the pic carefully then u can c that Goku is winning....and the reason iz:-
1)Goku iz gonna unleash the awesome KA MEHA MEHA wave:hap2: on superman
2)Look where Goku's left knee iz...he Kicked superman in the middle of his legs:clap: and i dont think that even the mighty superman can withstand that much pain plus the awsome KA MEHA MEHA wave and ya Goku iz a Super Saiyan so u can guess how powerful his kicks are...:tongue:
To be frank Goku is stronger than Superman. But for me both of them are my heroes :D. I would never compare them, both of them fight for good and justice, so there is no need for them to fight in the first place.
yes dude no need to fight...like da heroes are a part of imagination....dat PIC is also who likes goku...and does want to show how SUPERMAN kicked goku's butt in da next scene....lol :)
Sirusness said:
does want to show how SUPERMAN kicked goku's butt in da next scene....lol :)

u think superman would b able 2 get up and fight after being kicked on his b*lls by a SUPER SAIYAN and being hit by the AWESOME KA MEHA MEHA WAVE which would most probably take him to the outer space...

i kno i am a crazy DBZ fan
As pointed out by someone in the link I posted, none of Goku's energy blasts will hurt superman cause Supes is pure of heart. So that's a big disadvantage to Goku.
only the spirit bomb wont hurt him bt everything else would.....even Cell used the KA MEHA MEHA wave against his opponents wch includes GOHAN and he'd hv died if he had not defended himself with his KA MEHA MEHA and in DragonBalls(the prequel of DBZ)Goku had used it against Tien and Yamcha and that doesn't mean that they don't have a pure heart....in short what i mean to say is that Goku will Kick Superman's Arse
Any comments......

i know this iz a completely useless and senseless thread and it'd keep on going 4eva so i thnk its betta 2 close ths thread and save sum bandwidth....
zhopudey said:
As pointed out by someone in the link I posted, none of Goku's energy blasts will hurt superman cause Supes is pure of heart. So that's a big disadvantage to Goku.

like Goku is not pure of heart :no:

the Spirit Bomb needs a fully pure heart too :eek:hyeah:

and only Goku has achieved it in DBZ :D