Goku vs Superman!!!!!!(For DBZ fans only)

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Made this thread before on TE.

It mostly depends on what version of supes vs Goku it is. This is where they stand :

Pre-Crisis Supes > Anime Goku > Current comic (post-crisis) Supes > Manga Goku > DC Animated Universe Supes.

I've calculated that with respective feats from the both sides, and its widely accepted! :-D

Zhopudey said:
As pointed out by someone in the link I posted, none of Goku's energy blasts will hurt superman cause Supes is pure of heart. So that's a big disadvantage to Goku.

Only the spirit bomb wouldn't work, the rest would work on anybody who isn't capable of absorbing Ki/Chi energy.

I mean, Raditz could easily catch bullets and is faster than the speed of light (to dodge Piccolos special beam cannon)

Hope you know that' only a dub line! The original manga nor the original anime made that claim. Though anime Goku is faster than lightning reflexes since a kid, its safe to assume he is Speed of light plus by the time he turns a Super Saiyan.
F|0ccY said:
Not true, otherwise Cell coudn't have created it during the Android Sega.
u sure abt ths????coz i dnt thnk tht cell eva created a spirit bomb....cnya temme the episode nmbr,jst wanna cross check
Spirit bomb is spirit bomb na...and what small..it was pretty huge.Watch that ep again, IIRC its the ep when Gohan reaches SSJ2.Theres this huge power struggle between Gohan and Cell and Gohan does hes rare one handed khamehameha with Gokus spirit with him.
F|0ccY said:
Spirit bomb is spirit bomb na...and what small..it was pretty huge.Watch that ep again, IIRC its the ep when Gohan reaches SSJ2.Theres this huge power struggle between Gohan and Cell and Gohan does hes rare one handed khamehameha with Gokus spirit with him.

oh saw that episode again :P

it was quite huge :O
The Beam struggle between SSJ2 Gohan and Cell was different, Goku was simply talking to Gohan telepathically, it was just Gohan in his head being raged to defeat Cell because he killed Goku.

What I'm sure of is that the spirit bomb won't hurt anybody who is pure of heart and in a good way. Vegeta is pure of heart too, but in the evil way, that was why he was able to become a Super Saiyan, but since the super saiyan state requires you to be filled with rage and anger and hatred, and since Goku was able to create a spirit bomb against Kid Buu in the final fight of DBZ, I think anybody should be able to create a spirit bomb.
F|0ccY said:
Spirit bomb is spirit bomb na...and what small..it was pretty huge.Watch that ep again, IIRC its the ep when Gohan reaches SSJ2.Theres this huge power struggle between Gohan and Cell and Gohan does hes rare one handed khamehameha with Gokus spirit with him.

Its different from goku's version. Am sure of it. Goku gather energy from all the life form by asking them. And this version sprit bomb will not afect the persons with pure heart.
superman is a man of steel....bullets dont scratch him....bullets are perfect form of power concentration in something every small and powerfull......and nothing can hurt him.....he can survive a nuclear dude ... spirit bomb requires energy in and around him....nuclear is true god power nothing can match ......maybe he would not hurt goku...he will teach him a greater lesson
Lets just say a nuke would be practically nothing to Kid Goku. Demon King Piccolo nuked a city to show off his power when he wasn't even powered up, Master Roshi blew the moon to pieces. Later Nappa vaporized an entire city, everything in it from people to buildings to cars and everything else, to thin air, and all that was left of the city was a giant crater in its place, and he did it with only 2 fingers at use.

All these feats from start DBZ. They go from city to moon to planet to solar system busting and so on. There's not much Supes can do here.
Superman is so weak as compared to dbz characters that he might die of Brain tumor if he sits next to Bulma for 1hour....:clap: :rofl: :bleh: :ohyeah: :tongue:
dude goku rest are destroying planets and cutting moon into pieces...superman unlike them protects earth wit his pure heart....and does not have to prove his power to anyone...anyone thinks or comes close to destroy earth will have to face him 1...... :) :) not like goku fighting and practicing destrying mountains and trees.... i like his powers but Superman is SUPERMAN DUDE ...
There is no reason for them to fight at all. They're both good guys. I can see them meeting for lunch some day and Goku eating all of SM's food too but that's about it.
Ck Nish said:
There is no reason for them to fight at all. They're both good guys. I can see them meeting for lunch some day and Goku eating all of SM's food too but that's about it.

now this is a good reason for them to fight for:rofl:
Ck Nish said:
There is no reason for them to fight at all. They're both good guys. I can see them meeting for lunch some day and Goku eating all of SM's food too but that's about it.
ROFL....Superman would be like WTF!??! *lazer beam*

Reason: Chi Chi owns Goku, Lois owns Supa...But nobody owns Pikachu...PIKACHu RULES:muahaha:

this is like , my brother owns your brother , but my frnds brother owns my brother .. so my frnds brother rules..:rofl:

GOku all the way . . .
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