^^ yes it detects due to frequency change.. it can even detect fake lightning cable.
really? how the hell iOS 7 will detect the power source
This one? http://www.righto.com/2012/10/a-dozen-usb-chargers-in-lab-apple-is.htmlAn year or so back, I read an article on why apple charges premium for their chargers and they showed how much better quality their chargers are compared to the counterfeit ones.
I for one would not risk my expensive gadget with a substandard charger.
Buy original or at least a very good company which is sort of authorized.
I Believe if it is Apple authorized 3rd party then it should work.
Oh, this is news to me. But are such chargers available, especially in India.
I would suggest one to go to an authorised reseller to buy them. Don't buy from random shops or ebay etc where they claim it is OEM genuine and such. Mind you it will be expensive so be ready to shell out money. We know apple is greedy and wants our money. But I personally firmly believe that the quality is top notch so i would anyway buy it if i wanted one.
I have many a times made mistake buying cheap substandard stuff (not only wrt to chargers) and repent and then bought a higher quality one which was although expensive but served (and still serves) me well.