Good 'Discussion Based' / 'Debate' Shows

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Hey guys,

Can anyone please suggest some good 'discussion based' / 'debate oriented' / 'Interrogation' type shows being aired on channels like NDTV 24x7, CNBC TV18, Bloomberg UTV etc..

Issues may be Political, Social, Business etc. Just looking for something sensible and not a stupid jibber jabber.

Most of the debates on Indian television fall under the jibber jabber category with a few hidden gems but I don't know how you'll access any of those as they aren't really on the web as such.

I've seen some great well reasoned arguments for and against religion and God in general but more specifically Christianity as the people are mostly from the west.But the logic and reasoning itself is brilliant and can be used for arguing in general.If your not offended easily then I'll post links.
'1 on 1' on DD loksabha TV hosted by Paranjoy Thakurta, I catch it on sundays at 10 pm but there are repeats during the week. I found the format excellent, reminiscent in some ways of Charlie Rose, they talk on lots of issues concering the country. Given its a govt channel, the breaks are minute so you would get a solid 55 minutes in the hour long show.

Another and you would be aware of already is hard talk with Karan Thapar.

And shows hosted by Arnab Goswamy on CNN-IBN, tho these tend to be inconsistant sometimes.
^^ Arnab is in Times Now. I stopped watching his debate hour on Times Now ever since he made it a point to speak himself for 45 mins and just leave 5 mins for the guests to speak. :P
^^ Tell me about it.He started out very promising but hs turned into a total crazy person.Karan Thapar is really good and Barkha Dutt can run a good debate from time to time.
I had a look of "The Buck Stops Here" on NDTV 24x7 hosted by Barkha Dutt..

There was just no coherence as there were just too many participants..

So if we consolidate the good shows that can be followed say directly on the channel, how many are worth watching.
Watch karan thapar on "india tonight" at 10:30pm on cnbc tv tv18 which is much better than devilz advocate which comes out as stonewalling sometimes.

+1 for the content being aired on lok sabha tv. No breaking news slides or gen-x graphics. But content wise, it stands apart from the other 24 hours news networks.

Don't waste your time on rajdeep sar"dard"desai and burkha dutt type companies. They are just entertainers.
logistopath said:
^^ Arnab is in Times Now. I stopped watching his debate hour on Times Now ever since he made it a point to speak himself for 45 mins and just leave 5 mins for the guests to speak. :P

Arun1 said:
^^ Tell me about it.He started out very promising but hs turned into a total crazy person.
In the industry, we actually refer to him as the 'madman''.

Both Barkha and Rajdeep have devolved into Arnab clones. Karan Thapar is one trick pony who is just there to attack his subject and nothing else. His shows are pretty hit or miss. The only good discussion show was that newsroom show on NewsX. I can't remember the exact name but it had a very objective moderator and good line up of guests. There was absolutely no screaming inolved. Unfortunately the has been discountinued.

Having said all that, every once in a while Rajdeep does do a brilliant job on 'Weekend Edition'. He doesn't yell as much. It's currently on season break though and I have no idea when it will return.

As already mentioned Thakurta show is probably the least jingoistic. It's a good show, but sometimes tends to fall flat.
Vir Sanghvi is pretty good too but he has a natural laid back personality which works against him in heated debates.I think he's doing something more suited to his personality now on ndtv good times.
If you can understand Marathi, IBN Lokmat is a good channel for news, debates and discussion. All relevant topics related to Mumbai and Maharashtra are shown on this channel.

The rest NDTV, Times Now etc are utter crap. These channels are patronized by pedantic idiots who have no idea about the depth and gravity of real issues in India. And forget Hindi channels, those are only for jaadu tona entertainment.
jadu tona entertainment :rofl:

yaa like india tv and news 24 :P , i like only vinod dua's "zyaka india ka" on ndtv hindi , his style of reporting is very good as well . no blabbering like rajdeep sardesi and others ,

even a bearded anchor by the last name "vajpayee" is good on zee news
sugat123 said:
The rest NDTV, Times Now etc are utter crap. These channels are patronized by pedantic idiots who have no idea about the depth and gravity of real issues in India. And forget Hindi channels, those are only for jaadu tona entertainment.
NDTV and CNN IBN are run by congress. Their debates are staged.
Take this article for example. The original article was written by the press trust of india.
Look how how the networks pick it up.


This guy twitters NDTV people about it. Interesting read.
Indian Politics, Current Affairs, Sports, Media,blah blah...: Trysts with MSM - Part 10
broadway said:
NDTV and CNN IBN are run by congress. Their debates are staged.
Take this article for example. The original article was written by the press trust of india.
Look how how the networks pick it up.

This guy twitters NDTV people about it. Interesting read.
Indian Politics, Current Affairs, Sports, Media,blah blah...: Trysts with MSM - Part 10
Yay, another reason to get the news in written form vs verbal :)

It's called READING!

Course bias is still there sometimes obvious sometimes not very but usually not as blatant as on TV.
Siddarth Varadarajan's explanation takes the cake
@Vengdu @kvsarmaj @visaraj @ssudhirkumar The NDTV one is the FULL pti story. PTI free site has redacted version for nonsubscrbrs like you
nanoneo said:
Karan Thapar is one trick pony who is just there to attack his subject and nothing else. His shows are pretty hit or miss.
I suppose you are areferring to hard talk, and that is the format of this show.

You have to realise the ppl he interviews are very slippery so it takes someone sharp to point it out.

It might seem like attacking his subjects but i feel many times he's attacking the bias or excuses they give out elsewhere.

In the end I judge a show by how much I learned from it.

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sugat123 said:
And forget Hindi channels, those are only for jaadu tona entertainment.
That's dissapointing to hear, so what is the problem then ?

Not enough viewer ratings to afford better hosts ?
Anyone watch Neeya Nana in Tamil. It can get a bit cheesy at times but it has good bits and the moderator has good command over Tamil unlike most other hosts who can't go two sentences without adding English words.I watch Marathi channels sometimes and it seems to be the case over hear too.Going a bit OT :p
logistopath said:
^^ Arnab is in Times Now. I stopped watching his debate hour on Times Now ever since he made it a point to speak himself for 45 mins and just leave 5 mins for the guests to speak. :P
Yeah, he tends to bully his guests at times too which gets in the way of the topic as they waste time defending themselves with long speeches and hogging airtime. The other day congress spokesperson Manish Tewari, just walked out of it in the middle. Not seen that happen before :D

Here's a recap since the thread began and after hunting around and watching the shows mentioned regularly for a few months...

'Left, Right & Centre' on NDTV on Firday, with Nidhi Mazdan. She's good, having a full week to prepare for her shows and very easy on the eye too :ohyeah:

'Face the nation' with sagarika ghose on CNN-IBN is interesting as well. She must have been a teacher in her former life, she has the most penetrating voice i've ever heard. She's better with social issues i feel than intl relations or politics. She gets a bad rap with some sections but i still feel she's better than not.

'India tonight' on cnbctv18 remains the best imo, the guests are top notch as is the host. Does not miss a trick and catches every nuance in any statement made and immediately asks for a clarification. The only show where the host turns off the sound to his guests so they cannot interrupt, hog or hijack the show, works quite well to maintain the flow.

'The Big Fight' with Vikram Chandra on NDTV is so-so, everybody jumps in and its hard to get flow in there sometimes. ok for additional info but not for primary info.

'We the people' is Barkha's show, better for social issues than others.

'Walk the talk' is more of a 1on1 on diverse areas, not always my cup of tea.

Many of the NDTV & CNN-IBN shows are streamable from their respective websites and archives are available. India tonight's is as well. Not found anything for the loksabha shows yet tho :(

I've not come across any debate like shows on the channels Times Now & Headlines Tonight, its just seems to be news there. There's Arnab but what else ?

All in all there is quite a variety, and i'm coming around to the idea that the interaction with the differnt guests actually gets the message across better than just reading articles because you get opposing viewpoints and can see how they stand up.

broadway said:
NDTV and CNN IBN are run by congress. Their debates are staged.
But why do i see opposition spokespersons everytime a Congress guy is there. If they never had opposition present it would be much clearer and more blatant. Staging is to do with the format of the debate and what they will speak about, but there is usually a main theme and they do a good job. Some of the topics discussed cannot always conclude in the time alloted.

Congress has been getting a solid beating on nearly all of these shows due to the various scandals that have come out recently. Hows's that for bias :)

broadway said:
Take this article for example. The original article was written by the press trust of india.
Look how how the networks pick it up.
This is true if you use them just for news, there will always be a spin but not for talkshows.

I will agree with you when it comes to Rajdeep Sardesai tho, he defnitely has an agenda and hounds his guests trying to push it. They've made up their minds about a topic and just try to get the guests to agree. It's quite clear. Tho Arnab is worse. Not what you want when you want to be informed but get something else instead.
'India tonight' on cnbctv18 remains the best imo, the guests are top notch as is the host. Does not miss a trick and catches every nuance in any statement made and immediately asks for a clarification. The only show where the host turns off the sound to his guests so they cannot interrupt, hog or hijack the show, works quite well to maintain the flow.

Haven't really had a chance to watch this show. It'll be on my list now. :) And I agree with your opinion on Sagharika Ghose. She doesn't seem to be able to handle politics that well.
blr_p said:
But why do i see opposition spokespersons everytime a Congress guy is there.
What is wrong in projecting neutrality? The opposition is present in full flesh and blood. How can anyone miss that?

blr_p said:
If they never had opposition present it would be much clearer and more blatant.
Hence, it is a problem. They have to work the magic with an opposition member present in the room.

blr_p said:
Staging is to do with the format of the debate and what they will speak about, but there is usually a main theme and they do a good job.
The host is the driver of the show. He/she controls the direction of the show in which it is heading. And they do it quite well.

blr_p said:
Some of the topics discussed cannot always conclude in the time alloted.
That is the given excuse. They switch cameras. They turn off the guests mics. They send two guests yelling over one. Its routine. Business as usual.

blr_p said:
Congress has been getting a solid beating on nearly all of these shows due to the various scandals that have come out recently. Hows's that for bias :)
2009 elections are over. The damage is done. The regional parties got the required cabinet seats. So now, whether it be 100 scams or 200 scams, they ain't withdrawing support. lol UPA keeps standing till the next general elections.

blr_p said:
I will agree with you when it comes to Rajdeep Sardesai tho, he defnitely has an agenda and hounds his guests trying to push it. They've made up their minds about a topic and just try to get the guests to agree. It's quite clear. Tho Arnab is worse. Not what you want when you want to be informed but get something else instead.
Thapar is the only guy i watch. But you'll realize that even thapar has an agenda if you follow him on a regular basis. But still, his shows on CNBC are the best shows in the indian political scene. Thapar has a cult following among the bureaucrats, the business economic world and others but the group is still small. DD news too has a fan following, particularly with those who enjoy a calm discussion.
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