logistopath said:
^^ Arnab is in Times Now. I stopped watching his debate hour on Times Now ever since he made it a point to speak himself for 45 mins and just leave 5 mins for the guests to speak.
Yeah, he tends to bully his guests at times too which gets in the way of the topic as they waste time defending themselves with long speeches and hogging airtime. The other day congress spokesperson Manish Tewari, just walked out of it in the middle. Not seen that happen before
Here's a recap since the thread began and after hunting around and watching the shows mentioned regularly for a few months...
'Left, Right & Centre' on NDTV on Firday, with Nidhi Mazdan. She's good, having a full week to prepare for her shows and very easy on the eye too

'Face the nation' with sagarika ghose on CNN-IBN is interesting as well. She must have been a teacher in her former life, she has the most penetrating voice i've ever heard. She's better with social issues i feel than intl relations or politics. She gets a bad rap with some sections but i still feel she's better than not.
'India tonight' on cnbctv18 remains the best imo, the guests are top notch as is the host. Does not miss a trick and catches every nuance in any statement made and immediately asks for a clarification. The only show where the host turns off the sound to his guests so they cannot interrupt, hog or hijack the show, works quite well to maintain the flow.
'The Big Fight' with Vikram Chandra on NDTV is so-so, everybody jumps in and its hard to get flow in there sometimes. ok for additional info but not for primary info.
'We the people' is Barkha's show, better for social issues than others.
'Walk the talk' is more of a 1on1 on diverse areas, not always my cup of tea.
Many of the NDTV & CNN-IBN shows are streamable from their respective websites and archives are available. India tonight's is as well. Not found anything for the loksabha shows yet tho
I've not come across any debate like shows on the channels Times Now & Headlines Tonight, its just seems to be news there. There's Arnab but what else ?
All in all there is quite a variety, and i'm coming around to the idea that the interaction with the differnt guests actually gets the message across better than just reading articles because you get opposing viewpoints and can see how they stand up.
broadway said:
NDTV and CNN IBN are run by congress. Their debates are staged.
But why do i see opposition spokespersons everytime a Congress guy is there. If they never had opposition present it would be much clearer and more blatant. Staging is to do with the format of the debate and what they will speak about, but there is usually a main theme and they do a good job. Some of the topics discussed cannot always conclude in the time alloted.
Congress has been getting a solid beating on nearly all of these shows due to the various scandals that have come out recently. Hows's that for bias
broadway said:
Take this article for example. The original article was written by the press trust of india.
Look how how the networks pick it up.
This is true if you use them just for news, there will always be a spin but not for talkshows.
I will agree with you when it comes to Rajdeep Sardesai tho, he defnitely has an agenda and hounds his guests trying to push it. They've made up their minds about a topic and just try to get the guests to agree. It's quite clear. Tho Arnab is worse. Not what you want when you want to be informed but get something else instead.