Good 'Discussion Based' / 'Debate' Shows

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"Let me tell you, its been a pleasure bringing you the news tonight"

That's what i heard Arnab conclude his show with today :O

Since when do Indian anchors connect out like that ?

I'm giving this guy another go :)
broadway said:
What is wrong in projecting neutrality? The opposition is present in full flesh and blood. How can anyone miss that?
Hence, it is a problem. They have to work the magic with an opposition member present in the room.
I'm not sure what your point is here. I made those statements to rebutt broad statements that NDTV or CNN-IBN are biased. Clearly if there are shows on these channels where opposition party spokesmen are present then that statement about bias is untrue.

Instead it would be more accurate to say the news, with just an anchor present and nobody else is biased or spun.

broadway said:
The host is the driver of the show. He/she controls the direction of the show in which it is heading. And they do it quite well.
They can but its harder on shows with the opposition present. But you know what, i think getting points of view from politicans about certain matters is a waste of time. Beter to get it from industry insiders instead. Lot less crap and more substance.

broadway said:
2009 elections are over. The damage is done. The regional parties got the required cabinet seats. So now, whether it be 100 scams or 200 scams, they ain't withdrawing support. lol UPA keeps standing till the next general elections.
Four more years to go till the next elections, they say a week in a politics can be a lifetime.

broadway said:
Thapar is the only guy i watch. But you'll realize that even thapar has an agenda if you follow him on a regular basis.
I've religiously watched him for several months in a row now so can you state what you think that agenda is ?

broadway said:
But still, his shows on CNBC are the best shows in the indian political scene. Thapar has a cult following among the bureaucrats, the business economic world and others but the group is still small. DD news too has a fan following, particularly with those who enjoy a calm discussion.
I'm warming upto Arnab of late. After Thapar i think he's in close running for second place with Nidhi.
puns said:
the best show on international discussions is on CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS.
Actually an interesting show..Where actual 'discussions' take place and not verbal warfare.

I saw it few months back but forgot the title and timings... Anyways... Its podcasted for free.. So downloading it..

Any more recommendations..?
puns said:
the best show on international discussions is on CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS.
Considering we don't get much choice here when it comes to foreign current affairs channels i would agree. BBC & CNN are the only ones.

Have been following this show now for several months and have to say i've become a big fan. He has top guests and his summary of the week is very good. This show is about as objective as i've seen, incorporating both sides of the debate on various issues. Also transcripts are available the next day on the gps website so its web friendly and makes it easy to discuss further on forums.

CNN's Candy Crowley's 'State of the Union' is more american oriented than international.
Hardtalk on BBC is interesting as they have a diverse range of guests but is very broad in scope. The interviews are good depending on your interest. Steven Sackur can give Karan Thapar good comeptition.
Newsnight on BBC is also more Brit oriented than intl.
BBC's Gavin Essler's Dateline on Saturdays tends to be more liberal, and interesting from an European pov but its not as good as Fareed's GPS.

Problem with the BBC shows is there is no transcript provided on their website and you can't stream anything unless you use a British IP addr. Yeah, you can get a proxy but its tedious to do in the long run unless you have a serious interest.
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