I need to know which ISP is the best in the locality mentioned in the subject. I use the internet extensively for gaming on the ps3. I had Hathway for about 12 days before it got shut down in my area because they got the connection illegally. I've researched a lot but can't find a single provider who has positive reviews. For the moment I'm stuck with mtnl because everyone else I've checked, the minimum speed after you've exhausted your data limit is 512 kbps which is not sufficient for me. Preferable a provider that gives minimum of 1mbps after the data limit would be great. If there's someone who provides unlimited data at a constant speed of 2 or 4 mbps, that would be even better. My local cable guy (incablenet) has a plan of unlimited download of 2mbps for 1500 bucks. But I doubt it's reliable and also 2mbps for 1500 doesn't seems like it's worth it. So a solid connection provider who has a good customer service that costs somewhere around 1000 bucks is what I need. Hathway was providing 27-28 mbps on wireless. After that, mtnl feels like I'm in the stone age. Any inputs from you'll will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Please help a fellow gamer out I'm playing COD here on 2 bars. It's hell :'(