CPU/Mobo Good mobo for am2 socket

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Lord Dagon

guys my friend here wants to buy a gamming pc.\
so u guys plz tell some good mb for am2 proc.
asus, and msi only.
u shld buy a C2d...neway since it's and AMD ..i suggest u go for Asus M2N-E...awesome value for money but if u wanna go for an onboard gfx...go for Asus M2NPV-VM...onboard Geforce 6150..two 394a firewire ports...DVI-D output..HDTV support...
Both are AM2 based mobos!
Wolverine said:
u shld buy a C2d...neway since it's and AMD ..i suggest u go for Asus M2N-E...awesome value for money but if u wanna go for an onboard gfx...go for Asus M2NPV-VM...onboard Geforce 6150..two 394a firewire ports...DVI-D output..HDTV support...

Both are AM2 based mobos!

The memory voltage only goes up to 1.9v, so it does not support all DDR2 memory modules. Crucial Ballistix sticks, for instance, require 2.2v.

for m2ne board

and he alergic to intel so he is going to amd. M2ne with his old gfx and 3800+ will be ok with 1 gb ram.

How much is 1 gb ram and M2Ne?
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