I just bought the Adapter for Rs.810 from Nehru Place (Since Khan Market is a little away from my place, G.K-2, i decided to search Nehru Place where i found it) And it is insanely amazing!!
I just compared a song, playing on Winamp ON Highest volume ON highest volume in Volume Control Panel also, to POWERmp3 application on N70, with the decibal level only 1 or 2 levels above - I'm glad to say N70 ****ing well equals my computer on high!! What shocking is that the decibal level in Powermp3 can be increased by 5x more literally surpassing by PC! (but of course with clippings but it shows the guts of N70)
About audio quality, i can only hear 2 words on my Panasonic SBC-HL150 headphones connected to Ad15 adapter - IPOD KILLED!
Seriously, though that's a little exaggerated, but as far as i can tell, the quality is 'Indistinguishible' from top-end dedicated mp3 players like the pod, let alone the walkman phones, and i am not kidding. Anybody is welcome to test it for themselves and prove me wrong!
I just compared a song, playing on Winamp ON Highest volume ON highest volume in Volume Control Panel also, to POWERmp3 application on N70, with the decibal level only 1 or 2 levels above - I'm glad to say N70 ****ing well equals my computer on high!! What shocking is that the decibal level in Powermp3 can be increased by 5x more literally surpassing by PC! (but of course with clippings but it shows the guts of N70)
About audio quality, i can only hear 2 words on my Panasonic SBC-HL150 headphones connected to Ad15 adapter - IPOD KILLED!
Seriously, though that's a little exaggerated, but as far as i can tell, the quality is 'Indistinguishible' from top-end dedicated mp3 players like the pod, let alone the walkman phones, and i am not kidding. Anybody is welcome to test it for themselves and prove me wrong!