Looking for (really) good web hosts that support payment via Bank Transfers.
Credit cards/Debit cards/Paypal not an option.
So far come across :
1) HostDime.in (decent ratings and nice staff on WebHostingTalk)
2) BigRock.in (a division of Directi who generally offer decent service)
Any other better options? If not which one of the two should I settle with?
So far leaning towards Hostdime, since in essence they are an international company (good servers abroad) with a branch office in India (easy payments out here).
Thanks in advance
Credit cards/Debit cards/Paypal not an option.
So far come across :
1) HostDime.in (decent ratings and nice staff on WebHostingTalk)
2) BigRock.in (a division of Directi who generally offer decent service)
Any other better options? If not which one of the two should I settle with?
So far leaning towards Hostdime, since in essence they are an international company (good servers abroad) with a branch office in India (easy payments out here).
Thanks in advance