Google nexus one in water please help

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Good to hear. Anyway look out for a knowledgeable service center to have it dried completely. 3yrs back my W700 was dropped in water, tried the rice trick and it worked, but it stopped working after a year. The reason was, the moisture traces caused corrosion on the chip terminals and they shorted out.
dineshnadar said:
the speakers were quite loud then before lolzz !!!
Maybe you can make a youtube video on increasing volume of your Nexus one by throwing it in water :bleh:
Great news....glad that the rice method worked :)

I had also been to siddhivinayak once (on foot) when i passed in a subject in engineering where i had not even written of 30 marks (got more than 40, only god knows how)
I doubt the rice had any effect here at all, to have some effect it would need to be in a sealed container, did OP do this ?

This is just natural evaporation on its own.

mathi_vadhanan said:
Anyway look out for a knowledgeable service center to have it dried completely. 3yrs back my W700 was dropped in water, tried the rice trick and it worked, but it stopped working after a year. The reason was, the moisture traces caused corrosion on the chip terminals and they shorted out.
yep, indicating that not all the water has been got out. Corrosion here won't short anything it will just destroy conductivity.

Only way to get it to completely dry is to dismantle and leave under a fan for a cpl of days. Fan is cheaper & better to use than a light.
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