EnigmatriX said:it may not be a april fools joke cuz there are already a few mail services which offeres
more than 1 GB storage. but they are in the paid category unlike gmail which is free
but who knows if this were to be true then we can see some tough competition for
other mails such as yahoo
Yahoo will be increasing the size from 250 MB to 1 GB, sometime in mid-April.
Source: Times of India (few days ago).
BTW, The Counter will increase till 2000 MB. The file has the following code doing it.:tongue:
<script type=text/javascript>
var START = 1112331600000;
var END = 1112439600000;
var quota;
function updateQuota() {
if (!quota) {
var now = (new Date()).getTime();
if (now < START) {
setTimeout(updateQuota, 1000);
} else if (now > END) {
quota.innerHTML = 'Over 2000';
} else {
quota.innerHTML = format(((now - START)/(END - START)*1025) + 1025);
setTimeout(updateQuota, 50);
// -->
<font size=-1>[b]The gift that keeps on giving.[/b]
<span id=quota>Over 1000</span>
megabytes of storage (and counting) for every user.</font></p>
[/list] <script>
quota = el("quota");
// -->