Google + popular because it's Google

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Just starting a discussion about Google + and the real reason why soo many people are interested in it in the first place.

Would any other have been able to pull such crowd with giants like FB around? I mean if it hadn't been Google's venture, chances are 99% of us would have never heard of this + service, let alone use it.

What are your opinions?
I dint look at google+ more than it was necessary, dint like it much so ran to check my notifications at fb :P

i definitely wont be able to live without google search , but the rest are just added bonuses

Google chrome still doesn't work as smoothly as firefox or opera , so i don't use it either
^ i think you use nap buster more than any other browser :P
on topic there were people like me who were bored of fb.
Change is better :hap2:
^^ even i am really bored of fb , bound to happen after using it for more than 4 years, just like orkut shrinked from my mind

but, google+ cannot be termed as a replacement for fb! and also, till now it was invite stage for google +, lets see how it works after opening it for everyone :)

firefox buster thing :P, i aint saying like that , but google chrome still doesnt load IRCTC( something i have to take every other day) and so many other sites which i go on a day to day basis properly! Its very light,and fast, but prone to a lot of crashes! whereas firefox hardly crashes :)
Honestly speaking , i would agree with the OP . Google is a big name like Apple,i cannot imagine doing a search on internet with Google . Chrome is better than IE and Safari but still cannot beat Firefox . Did not get chance to use + that much,wish if Google had worked on Gtalk or Orkut . They would have been more revenue earning for them .
I don't. It takes a lot more to build a strong social network thats 2% capable of competing with Facebook. Have you'll guys forgotten about Googles Orkut and Wave?
Frankly speaking it's not that different.But it will definitely have better integration on Android devices when it gets launched properly. The way things are going, these social services will become more mobile centric and since Android has already set up a market for itself, it won't be long before people will consider Google+ over Fb just cause it will be implemented better on Android.
I think some have forgotten the 'success' of Buzz and Wave. Just because its Google, people won't automatically like it. But because of its name, they will give it a chance.
Yeah, chrome and sketchup are successful because they are good products. The interest in + is probably due to Google's name but whether it becomes truly popular or not is entirely dependedent on whether it is able to bring something better to the table.
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